UCD User Centered Design

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UCD User Centered Design by Mind Map: UCD User Centered Design

1. Understand people

1.1. It helps deeply understand users, theirs needs and how they're going to interact with parts of your product

2. It's iterative

2.1. UCD is an iterative process framework that incorporates validation from the user every iteration.

3. UCD process

3.1. 1. Users' needs

3.1.1. Who is the user?

3.1.2. What does he need?

3.1.3. What are they about?

3.2. 2. Requirements

3.2.1. What business owners hope to achieve? Revenue? Stakeholders? Scope of the design?

3.2.2. What users want to achieve?

3.3. 3. Solutions

3.3.1. Site maps?

3.3.2. Wireframes?

3.3.3. Prototypes?

3.3.4. Mock-ups?

3.3.5. Images?

3.3.6. Icons?

3.3.7. Colors?

3.4. 4. Evaluate against requirements

3.5. 5. Iteration Go back to step 1

4. Why?

4.1. Big question that needs to be answered: Why is this design beneficial for both the business and the user?

5. Goal

5.1. The ultimate goal is to come up with a product that will meet users' needs and business goals.