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UNIT 3 by Mind Map: UNIT 3

1. Website Design

1.1. Subtle

1.2. Invest

1.3. Clutter

1.4. Copy

1.5. Summarize

1.6. "In a flash"

2. Branding, Identity and Logo

2.1. Brand

2.1.1. "The perceived emocional corporate image as a whole"

2.2. Identity

2.2.1. "The visual aspects that form part of the overall brand"

2.3. Logo

2.3.1. Identifies a business in its simplest form via the use of a mark of icon

3. Packaging

3.1. order

3.1.1. "encargar un producto"

3.2. customized, tailored, personalized

3.2.1. "personalizado"

3.3. lid

3.3.1. "tapa"

3.4. capture attention

3.4.1. "captar la atención"

3.5. stand out

3.5.1. "sobresalir, destacar"

3.6. trend

3.6.1. "tendencia"

4. Basic principles of Graphic Design

4.1. C: Contrast

4.2. R: Repetition

4.3. A: Alignment

4.4. P: Proximity

5. Design expressions

5.1. Overprinted - Reversed-out

5.1.1. "Sobreimpreso - Impreso en negativo"

5.2. To face growing competition

5.2.1. "hacer frente a una competencia cada vez mayor"

5.3. To be at the foot of the cover

5.3.1. "estar al pie de la portada"

5.4. To carry out an experiment

5.4.1. "llevar a cabo un experimento"

5.5. a full-color design

5.5.1. "un diseño a todo color"

6. Expressions

6.1. outlast

6.1.1. "remain operating or usable longer than something else"

6.2. cerise

6.2.1. "a light, clear red colour"

6.3. spine

6.3.1. "the part of a book's jacket or cover that encloses the inner edges of the pages"

6.4. feature

6.4.1. "have as a distinctive trait"

6.5. layout

6.5.1. "the way in which something, especially a page, is laid out"

6.6. typeface

6.6.1. "a particular design of printed characters or letters"

6.7. faux

6.7.1. "made in imitation; artificial, not genuine"

6.8. imprint

6.8.1. "a printer's or publisher's name in publication"

6.9. bold

6.9.1. "a typeface with thick strokes"

6.10. dustjacket

6.10.1. "a removable paper cover on a book"