Agrarian Rebellion and the Evolution of Bourgeois Class Consciousness In Early American Politics.

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Agrarian Rebellion and the Evolution of Bourgeois Class Consciousness In Early American Politics. by Mind Map: Agrarian Rebellion and the Evolution of Bourgeois Class Consciousness In Early American Politics.

1. topic

1.1. My interest in this topic is in highlighting and exploring the evolution of class struggle and class formation in early American society. having a better historical foundation allows me to better understand the class struggle its institutions and their functions today.

1.2. Hopefully this will interest readers because the history of class in America is a topic danced around often in our history and is an aspect of history the majority of Americans, who are on the repressed side of this struggle can greatly relate to. A history they can relate to better than the traditional fiction pushed as American history in our popular culture.

1.3. My goal is to outline the growing bourgeois class consciousness and an expression of their counter revolutionary reaction to the organization of the underclass around the egalitarian rhetoric of the revolution during the Shays rebellion culminating with the role of the constitution apex in this expression. a document that did not answer popular demands of the masses but instead acted to protect and defend those minority wealthy class which had created the corruption and conditions that spawned the rebellions and uprising in the first place.

1.3.1. Inspire someone about your topic?

1.3.2. Specific grade?

1.3.3. Do your best work?

2. Thought map

2.1. Compile some ideas

2.2. Spirit of 1776: the rehtoric of revolution and the Declaration of Independence

2.3. Role of shays rebellion in bringing forward the contradictions between rhetoric of revolution and bourgeois rule under articles of confederation. Thus exposing to the bourgeois the need to create a structure more effective in protecting their class interests.

2.3.1. problems faced by the ruling class in the destruction of the rebellion. legitimate grievances and representation of them under articles of confederation. Difficulty in organizing militia and overcoming public support expenditure of private funds to put down rebellion limited mechanism for punishing such a large scale uprising especially while keeping established narrative.

2.3.2. The role of the rebellion in bringing together different sectors and interests withing the bourgeois. dangerous precedents it could set. problems represented to speculators, landholders, merchants, lawyers, judges. (concerns of the wealthy) Expressions of early reflections of class interest in slander campaign against rebellion.

2.4. The constitution as an expression of bourgeois class consciousness.

2.4.1. Democracy? Equality? and the Rhetoric of the Convention/federalist papers.

2.4.2. who's interests are served? demands of the people vs defense of the speculators and prevention of insurrection

2.5. Post Ratification Insurrection: Constitutional justice in action, How the New Bourgeois Legalism Changed the Game.

2.5.1. Whisky Rebellion Demands Public Support/Propaganda Resources mobilized by state Punishment

2.5.2. Turner Rebellion Demands Public Support/Propaganda Resources Mobilized by state Punishment

2.5.3. Harpers Ferry Demands Public support propaganda Resources mobilized by state Punishment

2.6. sources

2.6.1. examples

2.6.2. relevant quotes

2.6.3. References Books News sources Blogs Supporting Data Expert reports Third party research Survey data Size of topic

3. 3. Structure

3.1. The role of Shays rebellion in formation of the conscious American bourgeois, and the role of the constitution as an expression of this consciousness through which they could more effectively act out their class interests.

3.2. facts

3.3. categories

4. Finalize

4.1. Bibliography