Feature Release
by Sivaguru Sadhasivam
1. Requirement Gathering
1.1. BA connect with IMG team / Sales team
1.2. Build User story and UX
1.3. Review the User story with Sales team and IMG team
1.4. Hand Over to the Dev team for Grooming
2. Development
2.1. UI & API devlopment
2.2. Unit Test
2.3. Code Review
2.4. Demo & Release to QA
3. QA
3.1. High level Scenraios
3.2. QA Testing
3.3. QA System Testing
3.4. QA Demo & Sign off
4. DevOps /Prod Release
4.1. Release to Prod
4.2. Sanity test in Prod
4.3. BA to provide demo to Sales /IMG team
4.4. Feature team to address any prod hot fix
5. Prod Support
5.1. Code Handover to prod support team
5.2. Prod bug fix
6. Data Security
6.1. DB access log
6.2. DB query Audit log
6.3. DB changes Audit log