Discourse Community Map

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Discourse Community Map by Mind Map: Discourse Community Map

1. Friends

1.1. Goals

1.1.1. To enjoy and have fun with each other.

1.2. Conventations

1.2.1. Parties, online calls, and social media

1.3. Topics

1.3.1. Current events, relationships, games, and plans to hang out again

1.4. Values

1.4.1. Communication and transparency with other members about availability

2. Job (Target)

2.1. Goals

2.1.1. Provide sufficient customer service and efficientwork

2.2. Values

2.2.1. Communcating availbility on work days, being able to handle work independently and customer service

2.3. Topics

2.3.1. Registers, cutomers, and productivity

2.4. Communication

2.4.1. In-person or work group chats

3. Speedrunning (Hitman)

3.1. Genres

3.1.1. Level Design, item useage, and shortcut setups

3.2. Communication

3.2.1. Through youtube videos, recorded vods, or discord servers

3.3. Values

3.3.1. Having the shortest possble time and not altering footage of your speedrun

3.4. Lexis

3.4.1. Mudshot, Muffin Boost, exploit, and PB(personal best)

3.5. Goals

3.5.1. Being able to complete a disinated run in the shortest possible time