Eric Enviromental Science

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Eric Enviromental Science by Mind Map: Eric Enviromental Science

1. Food Web

2. Food Chain

3. Trophic Pyramid

3.1. Producer

3.2. Primary Consumer

3.3. Secondary Consumer

3.4. Tertiary Consumer

4. 2 Factors

4.1. Abiotic

4.1.1. The chemical and physical environmental factors (non-living components) in ecosystems, and can be broken down into four main groups:

4.2. Biotic

5. Level of Orginazation

5.1. Organism

5.2. Population

5.3. Community

5.4. Ecosystem

5.5. Biome

6. Biomes

6.1. Rainforest

6.2. Marine

6.3. Desert

6.4. Savannah

6.5. Coniferous Forest

6.6. Temperate Deciduous Forest

6.7. Tundra

6.8. Freshwater