Echoes of the steps

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Echoes of the steps by Mind Map: Echoes of the steps

1. Enemy, Janne

1.1. Behavior Logic

1.1.1. Time Stop/Activate

1.1.2. Player Stare visuals

1.2. Animations

1.2.1. Walking Attacking

1.3. Health system

1.3.1. Dying StartOver

2. Crafting, Ilyas

2.1. Key Binds

2.1.1. Player Actions

2.2. Inventory System

2.2.1. Crafting Wining the game

3. Interactive Elements, Aryan

3.1. Ui

3.1.1. Exit, pause menu

3.2. Jumpscare

3.2.1. visuals audio

3.3. Player steps

3.3.1. audio

3.4. Extra Interactives

3.4.1. Opening closing door

3.4.2. Lore items