Speech Delivery & Writing

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Speech Delivery & Writing by Mind Map: Speech Delivery & Writing

1. Types of Speech

1.1. According to delivery

1.1.1. Extemporaneous limited preparation guided by notes or outline

1.1.2. Impromptu speaking without advanced preparation unrehearsed speech

1.1.3. Manuscript reading aloud a written message

1.1.4. Memorized reciting message word-for-word from memory

1.2. According to purpose

1.2.1. Informative speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea

1.2.2. Entertainment speech have the audience enjoy the presentation

1.2.3. Persuasive speech provide the audience with favorable or acceptable ideas that can influence their own ideas

2. Speech Writing Process

2.1. Pre-Writing stage

2.1.1. select a general topic

2.1.2. narrow down the topic

2.1.3. gather and collect data

2.2. Writing stage

2.2.1. Introduction foundation gets attention of audience

2.2.2. Body explanation, examples, or details one central idea

2.2.3. Conclusion restates main idea of speech provides a summary emphasizes the message

2.3. Editing stage

2.3.1. correcting erorrs

3. Situations

3.1. Speaking with a podium or lectern

3.1.1. notes can be placed on the slanted top

3.2. Speaking with a microphone

3.2.1. easily get the attention of your audience

3.3. Speaking in different venue

3.3.1. big adjustment in terms of nonverbal cues

3.4. Speaking in an open-air venue or outside a building

3.4.1. open courts or grounds, football fields, farm, etc

3.5. Speaking to a specific audience

3.5.1. determine your approach with your audience

4. What to Remember for Speech Delivery

4.1. Posture

4.2. Movement

4.3. Facial Expressions

4.4. Eye contact

4.5. Volume

4.6. Time

4.7. Language

4.8. Anecdotes

4.9. Have fun

4.10. Articulation

4.11. Appearance

5. Edit for

5.1. focus

5.2. clarity

5.3. concision

5.4. continuity

5.5. variety

5.6. impact

5.7. beauty

6. Guidelines in Speech Writing

6.1. Keep words short and simple

6.2. Avoid jargons and technical terms

6.3. Make your speech more personal

6.4. Use active verbs and contractions.

6.5. Be sensitive to your audience

6.6. Use metaphors and other figures of speech

6.7. Manage your time well

7. planned and rehearsed

8. delivered conversationally