Author's Purpose

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Author's Purpose by Mind Map: Author's Purpose

1. vocabulary

1.1. author's purpose

1.1.1. why did the author write this text

1.1.2. what is the author trying to do for the reader

1.2. persuade

1.2.1. the author wants to convince the reader to do something or believe in something that the author believes in

1.2.2. generally going to be a nonfiction text

1.3. inform

1.3.1. the author wants to teach the reader something

1.3.2. almost always doing to be a nonfiction text

1.4. entertain

1.4.1. the author wants the reader to enjoy reading the text/story

1.4.2. most likely to be a fiction text/story

2. Be a Hero! Work It Out!

2.1. purpose: inform

2.1.1. the character is teaching about problem solving

2.1.2. there are steps to follow

2.1.3. giving specific information about different tasks admitting mistakes and owening your choices how to problem solve

2.2. fiction text