Arjo Арилжаа

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Arjo Арилжаа by Mind Map: Arjo Арилжаа

1. TF Cheat Sheet

1.1. HTF

1.1.1. M PDA -> 4h ST+Re, D ST

1.1.2. W PDA -> 1h ST+Re, 4h ST

1.1.3. D PDA -> 15m ST+Re, 1h ST

1.2. LTF

1.2.1. 4h PDA -> 5m ST+Re, 15m ST

1.2.2. 1h PDA -> 1m ST+Re, 5m ST

1.2.3. 15m PDA -> 1m ST

2. Psychology

2.1. Emotional hard time is mitigated by HTF context work.

3. Draw of Liquidity

3.1. PD Array Matrix

3.1.1. Mitigation Block

3.1.2. Breaker Block

3.1.3. Fair Value Gap

3.1.4. Order Block

3.1.5. Swing High or Low

3.1.6. Previous Candle High or Low

3.2. Price moves between DoL

4. Abbreviations

4.1. OF = Order Flow

4.2. BB = Breaker Block

4.3. MB = Mitigation Block

4.4. OB = Order Block

4.5. TF = Time Frame

4.6. HTF = Higher Time Frame

4.7. LTF = Lower Time Frame

4.8. ITF, ITL = Intermident Term High or Low

4.9. STH, STL = Short Term High or Low

4.10. ITR, STR = Intermident and Short Term Range

4.11. WTW =

4.12. = website

5. Create Trader's Perfece Lifestyle Subliminal Affirmation and Medidational words and audio

6. Trading note

6.1. 20241204

7. Sniper Entry Steps

7.1. Entry Types

7.1.1. Entry: ST+Re Re entries after the 1st one, has to check HTF PDA previously that is against your direction. If there is skip that Re and let price check that HTF PDA first.

7.1.2. Entry: ST Example: M PDA -> 4h ST+Re, D ST On top 4h ST+Re, you can also enter at D ST too

7.1.3. Entry: Break Block It is same as ST and ST+Re, but has extra confirmation at the Break Block BB overlaps with FVG of new OF

7.1.4. Entry: Offset What is it?

7.1.5. Stop Loss Put behind OF OF can be swept and still considered valid When Break Even? (BE) Is there HTF PDA closeby against my direction?

7.1.6. Target R:R = 1:2 Till the Context

7.2. Pair Selection

7.2.1. Filtering Process: Many Pairs M PDA -> 4h Re, D ST W PDA -> 1h Re, 4h ST D PDA -> 15m Re, 1h ST 4h PDA -> 5m Re, 15m ST

7.2.2. Flow Process: 1 Pair M PDA -> 4h Re, D ST W PDA -> 1h Re, 4h ST D PDA -> 15m Re, 1h ST 4h PDA -> 5m Re, 15m ST 1h PDA -> 1m Re, 5m ST 15m PDA -> 1m Re/ST

7.3. Entry Check List

7.3.1. Inner and outer prep Have your surrounding clean, organized, comfortable? Have you rested, fed, relaxed well? Is the family happy? Have you clothed comfortably, with clean air, with refreshments? Have you listened your Perfect Entry Affirmation? Create it Listen, Imagine, Feel, and Enjoy it 3 times a day Have you not wasted your energy and focus today?

7.3.2. Only enter from 4h, D, w, M PD Array

7.3.3. For Flow entry, you can add 1h PD Array to trade from

7.3.4. Identify major fundamental news from and from geopolitical shifts

7.3.5. Identify Statations (Зогсоолууд) within the context of that entry PD Array zone in that current zone TF and below TF. Those Stations will be mini reactionary zones as price eventually travel to the context zone completion or fail from fullfuling the context target

7.3.6. Is trading day on Tue, Wed, and Thu?

7.3.7. Is trading time NY session?

7.3.8. If you enter with high LOT, do break even when prices reaches next mini station or current entry TF next station.

7.4. Entry Nuances

7.4.1. Depending on brokers, may not reach DoL whole it reached on a different broker. Example: FVG, OB zone хүрэхийн яг наана үнэ эргэх. Өөр broker дээр болохоор хүрсэн байх жишээтэй.

7.4.2. Are you at the 3rd candle of FVG? Then wait till it closes in that TF because the look of that 3rd candle matters: Run away, perfect, or rejection FVG

7.4.3. Do not lower Arjo trading conditions if you are to add principles, your own NNFX, or any other non Arjo ideas, for that matter

7.4.4. Create printed out past good and bad entries to ponder on them regularly. Be still and let or wait patiently the inspirations. Take those inspirations seriously as if they are commands/guide from the universe Get a sliding transparent page binder Print them in color

7.4.5. Focus on the following 3 things during less volatility Failure to create FVGs Failure to follow through, and create new FVGs Ugly 2 Candle Rejection

7.4.6. Огцом өсөөд жижиг pullback тэгээд дахиад огцом өссөний дараа WTW зарчмын дагуу Trendline тат. 2 дах pullback уг Trendline дээр очтол яаран оролт хийж болохгүй Мэдээ огцом хөдөлгөдөг тул мэдээний өмнө огцом хөдлөөд авсан байдаг байх. Тэгээд мэдээ хүртэл sideway явахын тулд TL хүрэх хүртэл хол байхуйц тийм TL өмнө нь бий болсон байх ёстой юм байна. уг удаан sideway явахдаа ABC загвар үүсэх ба B нь бас дотроо abc байх хандлагатай юм байна. Тэгж байж удаан sideway явна

7.4.7. OB + Swing Low хэт ойр үед, үнэ эхлээд OB шалгаад ойгоод эсрэг талын PD Array яваад, бас буцаж ойгоод, тэгээд эцэст нь тэрхүү Swing Low ыг шалгаж байна

7.4.8. Ideally when prices enters PD array, it should not take long time residing in it but quickly go in and out. So, if price stays there long time, or price checks that zone in and out, then again in with sweep, etc, then the context zone is not gona complete and rather go against the context direction.

7.4.9. The leg of a peak is full of naive traders who will be trapped. Therefore, when prices goes against them into reversal even unto breaking dow, and when price gives them one last chance to exit with BE or near BE loss, price prints long quick wick and reversal continues

7.4.10. Swing H/L is swept. But then 2nd, 3rd, etc sweep occurs on to of the first sweep. The question for Arjo is that it seems those multiple sweeps are still considered as respecting that swing H/L?

8. Home work