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Story Structure by Mind Map: Story Structure

1. vocabulary

1.1. plot

1.1.1. the events in a fiction story

1.1.2. what happens in a fiction story

1.2. beginning

1.2.1. when we meet the characters and find out the conflict

1.3. middle

1.3.1. when we see the characters dealing with the conflict

1.4. end

1.4.1. when we see the characters solve the conflict and decide on a resolution

1.5. conflict

1.5.1. the problem that the characters have deal with

1.5.2. synonym = problem

1.5.3. antonym = peace or the resolution

1.6. resolution

1.6.1. how the characters solve the problem/conflict

1.6.2. synonym = solution

1.6.3. antonym = conflict/problem

2. Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

2.1. plot

2.1.1. beginning - The dinosaurs are setting up their house so that Goldilocks wants to come in.

2.1.2. middle - Goldilocks enters the unlocked house. She tries the food, the chairs, and the beds.

2.1.3. end - Goldilocks realizes she is in the dinosaurs' home and runs away. The dinosaurs do not get to eat Goldilocks like they planned.

2.2. conflict

2.2.1. Golidlocks entered an unlocked house, ate their food, and slept in their beds. She broke a chair.

2.3. resolution

2.3.1. Goldilocks realized she was in a dinosuar home and ran away.

3. Rabbit's Snow Dance

3.1. plot

3.1.1. beginning Rabbit wanted it to snow during the summer.

3.1.2. middle Rabbit sang his song that made it snow a lot.

3.1.3. end The snow melted, Rabbit fell from the tree, and his tail was broken off by the tree branches. Rabbit said he would not sing the song during summer again.

3.2. conflict

3.2.1. Rabbit wanted it to snow during summer which is not the normal time for snow.

3.3. resolution

3.3.1. His song worked but the snow melted and he got hurt because it of the snow melting.

4. Arrow to the Sun

4.1. plot

4.1.1. beginning The main character was being made fun of by the others and he wanted to find his father.

4.1.2. middle The main character went to the arrow maker who turned him into an arrow and sent him to the sun.

4.1.3. end The main charcater went through some challenges to prove himself to his dad and earned the power of the sun.

4.2. conflict

4.2.1. Everyone was making fun of the main character.

4.3. resolution

4.3.1. The main character got the power of the sun and the others did not bully him anymore.

4.4. moral

4.4.1. It is important to keep trying and perserve even if others do not believe in you.

5. Hollywood Chicken

5.1. plot

5.1.1. beginning - Chicken Lily wants to be a movie star so she writes a letter to Luz Cruz. Chicken Lily moves to Hollywood.

5.1.2. middle - Chicken Lily starts going to auditions and get a role on a movie. She starts having problems with Slim the worm.

5.1.3. end - Chicken Lily is successful and talks to Slim the Worm about his jokes. She gives him advice.

5.2. conflict

5.2.1. Slim the worm keeps making fun of Chicken Lily and hurting her feelings.

5.3. resolution

5.3.1. Chicken Lily talked to Slim and found out that he felt worried that he wouldn't be successful. When he is worried, he makes mean jokes.