My way to school

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My way to school by Mind Map: My way to school

1. The bus

1.1. comes at

1.1.1. ...

1.1.2. five past seven.

1.2. takes me to

1.2.1. Waldhausen.

1.2.2. my school.

1.2.3. the train station in ...

2. I park my bike behind | in front of the school building.

3. Our school is near | next to | opposite

3.1. a block of flats.

3.2. a supermarket.

3.3. the kindergarten.

3.4. the primary school.

4. I arrive at school at

4.1. ...

4.2. half past seven.

5. I go to school by

5.1. bike.

5.2. bus.

6. I walk to school.

7. My mum | dad takes me to school by car.

8. I leave home at

8.1. ...

8.2. quarter past seven.

8.3. seven o' clock.

9. When I walk out of our house I

9.1. go straight ahead.

9.2. go to the bus stop.

9.3. turn left | right.

9.4. walk down the street.

10. Then I

10.1. meet my friend(s).

10.2. turn

10.2.1. left | right.

10.2.2. into ... Street | Road.

10.3. wait for the school bus.