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Nervous system by Mind Map: Nervous system

1. Lobes of the brain

1.1. Frontal lobe: largest lobe making 1/3 of the cortex. It controls planning initiation of voluntary movement + though processing

1.1.1. Broca’s area(44-45): speech motor planning

1.1.2. Prefrontal lobe: associated with memory,emotion,motor inhibition and thoughts processing

1.1.3. Pre-central gyrus (motor strip): initiation of voluntary motor movement

1.1.4. Premotor region: involved in motor planning

1.2. Parietal lobe: primary reception site for somatic sense

1.2.1. Reception site for somatic sense

1.2.2. Post-central gyrus: receives somatic sensation from various body regions

1.3. Temporal lobe: site of auditory and receptive language processing

1.3.1. Site of auditory reception, important for receptive language and auditory processing

1.3.2. Wernicke’s area (22): processing receptive language

1.4. Occipital lobe: receives visual stimulation

2. Cranial nerves

2.1. Sensory: transmit nerve impulse from brain to targeted tissue

2.1.1. |. Olfactory: smell, taste

2.1.2. ||. Optic: visual sensation

2.1.3. V|||. Acoustic or vestibulocochlear: hearing and equilibrium

2.2. Motor: transmit nerve impulses from sensory organs to brain

2.2.1. |||. Oculomotor: eyelid & eye movement

2.2.2. |V. Trochlear: eye movement

2.2.3. V|. Abducens:Turns eye laterally

2.2.4. X|. Spinal Accessory: controls sternocleidomastoid& trapezius. Controls swallowing movement

2.2.5. X||. Hypoglossal: control tongue movement

2.3. Both (mixed)

2.3.1. V. Trigeminal: eye movement, sensation of face, biting and chewing

2.3.2. V||. Facial: facial expressions, secretion of salamis and tears. Taste( anterior 2/3 of the tongue)

2.3.3. IX. Glossopharyngeal: taste, senses carotid blood pressure ( taste posterior 1/3 of tongue)

2.3.4. X. Vagus: taste, senses aortic blood pressure, slows heart rate, and stimulates digestive organs

2.4. Location

2.5. Location

2.5.1. CN | and || anterior to the brain stem close to cerebral hemisphere

2.5.2. CN |||,|V Midbrain

2.5.3. CN V, VI, VII, VIII pons

2.5.4. CN IX,X,XI,XII Madulla oblongata

3. Central Nervous System (CNS)

3.1. Cerebellum

3.1.1. coordinates motor commands along with sensory input to control movement

3.2. Cerebral cortex

3.2.1. Largest structure of the nervous system

3.2.2. Weights 3 pounds, container 16-20 billion neurons

3.3. Subcortex

3.3.1. Lambic system system of structured with functional relationships, it’s not anatomically distinct region. system of structured with functional relationships, it’s not anatomically distinct region.

3.3.2. Basilar ganglia Group of cell bodies related to movement control and initiation

3.3.3. Diencephalon Regulated temperature and higher, water balance Thalamus Hypothalamus Subthalamus

3.4. Brain stem

3.4.1. Midbrain

3.4.2. Pons

3.4.3. Madeulla

4. Cortex

4.1. divided into 2 half : right and left hemisphere

4.2. Convoluted

4.2.1. Sulci

4.2.2. Gyri

4.2.3. Fissure

5. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

5.1. Sensory (afferent)

5.1.1. Somatic sensory: Associated with pressure,vibration and specifically hearing, vision and equilibrium.

5.1.2. Visceral sensory: associated with pain,chemical changes and specially taste and smell.

5.2. Motor (efferent)

5.2.1. Somatic nervous system: motor innervation of all skeletal muscles

5.2.2. Autonomic nervous system: motor innervation or smooth and cardiac muscles as well as glands Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system

6. Cells

6.1. Neurons

6.1.1. Neurons are the basic functional units of the nervous, they conduct signals to and from the CNS they communicate through synapses means of neurotransmitters

6.2. Structure

6.2.1. Soma or cell body contains the nucleus

6.2.2. Axon: transmit info from soma

6.2.3. Dendrite: receiver of info

6.2.4. Telodendria: end of axon

6.2.5. Myelination: covers neurons and provide protection

6.3. Glial cells

6.3.1. Supporting cells

6.3.2. Provide nutrients to neurons

7. Disorders

7.1. Epilepsy

7.1.1. Neurological condition involving the brain that makes people more susceptible to having a seizure

7.2. Alzheimer’s

7.2.1. Type of dementia that affects your memory and behavior

7.3. Meningitis

7.3.1. Information in the membrane surrounding the brain