"My Path to Professionalism in Conflict Resolution"

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"My Path to Professionalism in Conflict Resolution" by Mind Map: "My Path to Professionalism in Conflict Resolution"

1. Useful links to fill in your lean canvas

2. Turning points

2.1. Graduation day of high school

2.2. First time entering the college

2.3. Relocation for career

2.4. believe on a success

3. Green lights

3.1. Learning how to resolve conflicts

3.2. Positive comments from a mentor

3.3. Active listening skills

3.4. Win Win solutions

3.5. Importance of feedback

3.6. Importance of emptahy

4. Obstacles

4.1. Tough team dynamics

4.2. breakdown in peer communication

4.3. Fear of conflict

4.4. Negative past experiences

4.5. Resistance of change

5. Accidents and wrecks

5.1. Failed project due to poor communiction .

5.2. Misunderstanding with a coworker

5.3. Sometimes difficult to understand

5.4. Misunderstanding with a team member

5.5. Poor choices in conflict managemnet

6. Hills and valleys

6.1. Positive feedback from superiors

6.2. Stressful periods during exams

6.3. Enjoying team sucess

7. At a crossroads

7.1. Choosing to pursue additional education

7.2. Selecting between employment offers

7.3. Accepting leadership role

7.4. Further education decisions

7.5. Networking opportunities