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Baseball Swing by Mind Map: Baseball Swing

1. Finish

1.1. Head Position

1.2. Balance

2. Follow Through

2.1. Extension

2.2. Power V

2.3. Full Hip Turn

3. Contact

3.1. Head / Eyes

3.2. Palm up and Palm Down

3.3. Behind the Baseball

4. Swing

4.1. Staying Connected

4.2. Slot and Bat Lag

4.3. Hand/Barrel Path

5. Stance

5.1. Preset

5.2. Feel Ground

5.3. Weigh Back 60%

6. Negative Move

6.1. Rear Hip Load

6.2. Coiling

6.3. Timing & Balance

7. Positive Move

7.1. Linear Momentum

7.2. Lower Half Stability

7.3. Create Separation

8. Launch Position

8.1. Triggering Hands

8.2. Hold Hip Hinge

8.3. Hand Position