CPHIMS Exam prep (Effective September 1, 2023)

CPHIMS Exam prep (Effective September 1, 2023), Certified Professional Healthcare Information Management System

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CPHIMS Exam prep (Effective September 1, 2023) by Mind Map: CPHIMS Exam prep (Effective September 1, 2023)

1. 1. General

1.1. A. Healthcare Environment

1.1.1. A.1 Articulate characteristics and services of different types of healthcare organizations (e.g.,hospitals, clinics, ambulatory centers, community health organizations, healthcare payers,regulators, research and academic) Articulate characteristics and services of different types of healthcare organizations Classification of Hospitals Outpatient or Ambulatory Care Community Health Organizations Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical Services (ancillary services) Healthcare Payers Healthcare regulators Research and academic

1.1.2. A.2. Articulate characteristics of interrelationships within and across healthcare organizations (e.g., health information exchange, public, private, continuity of care)

1.1.3. A.3. Describe the roles and responsibilities of healthcare information and management systems professionals within the organizational structures in which they work

1.1.4. A.4. Recognize the impact of commonly accepted laws, regulations, accreditation and other state and local rules that govern critical healthcare information and systems management services, including privacy, safety and security (e.g., privacy regulations, pharmacy, environments of care, patient rights) on the healthcare industry

1.1.5. A.5. Evaluate trends in healthcare technology and implement strategies to improve patient outcomes (e.g., telemedicine, patient portals, wearable devices, population health)

1.2. B. Technology Environment

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