Reasons for classroom/professional website

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Reasons for classroom/professional website by Mind Map: Reasons for classroom/professional website

1. Parents

1.1. Keep parents updated regarding assignments

1.2. Parents to get to know me

1.3. FAQ for parents to avoid emails

1.4. A place to answer parent questions

1.5. Convenient for parents

1.6. Resource for parents

1.7. Keep parents updated

1.8. Way for parents to reach me

1.9. Update parents

1.10. Parents can see who is teaching their child

1.11. Keep parents up to date

1.12. Inform parents of what I will be teaching

1.13. Keep parents in touch

2. Colleagues

2.1. Anyone wanting to know me and my profession

2.2. Co-workers to use my resources

2.3. Learn about peers

2.4. Networking with other teachers

2.5. Colleagues can get to know me

2.6. Help establish rapport with colleagues

2.7. Fellow teachers can look me up

2.8. Help newcomers to profession

2.9. Network with people in same field

2.10. Allow workplace to know who I am

2.11. Everything open to colleagues, parents, students

2.12. Means by which someone could "look you up" in professional manner

3. Professionalism

3.1. Looks professional

3.2. Means of sharing who you are and what you do

3.3. Overview of achievements

3.4. Professional look--demonstrate expertise

3.5. Who you are, what you have done

3.6. To look professional

3.7. Establish credibility--show what you know and can do

4. To start business

5. Employers

5.1. Future jobs

5.2. Show lesson topics to future employers

5.3. Help with employers

5.4. Potential employers

5.5. Great to show on job interviews

5.6. Potential employers

5.7. Future employers

6. Students

6.1. Introduce myself to students/parents

6.2. For students--homework and extra practice

7. Single Point of Contact

7.1. Tool/resource for my class

7.2. Maintain organization of information--everything in one place

7.3. Everything about my classroom all in one place

7.4. Easy to update--if you post incorrect information, you can change it

7.5. Place of contact

7.6. No paper trails--instead of sending letters and forms everything online

7.7. All the information about you in one place--easy to manage

8. Personal Expression

8.1. Means to express myself

8.2. For myself