Present Perfect Tense

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Present Perfect Tense by Mind Map: Present Perfect Tense


2. 1.-Rules of Present Perfect Tense.

2.1. 1.-Has and Have: We use "has" with singular subjects and "have" with plural subjects, along with the verb in the past participle:

2.1.1. 1.Structure: *Subject + Have (You, we, they) + past participle verb. *Subject + Has (He, she, it) + past participle verb.

2.2. 2.-Structure of the Present Perfect Tense: We need "has/have" the verb in the past participle, and the following structure:

2.2.1. 1. Affirmative(+): Subject + have/has + past participle verb + extra information. Example: I have worked in my job.

2.2.2. 2. Negative(-): Subject + have/has +not + past participle verb+extra information. Example: She hasn't finished to eat.

2.2.3. 3. Interrogative(?): Have/Has + subject + past participle verb+extra information? Example: Have you read the book?

2.3. 3.-Common Time Expressions; We use common time expressions to specify a specific time and context:

2.3.1. - Ever, never, already, just, yet, for, since, so far, up to now, lately, recently

3. 2.-Functions of Present Perfect Tense.

3.1. 1.-Unspecified time in the past: To talk about actions without mentioning when they occurred.

3.1.1. Example: I have played futball many times.

3.2. 2.-Don't finish: When the time period referred to has not finished

3.2.1. Example: They have study this month.

3.3. 3.-Actions with Present Relevance: Actions started in the past and continuing in the present

3.3.1. Example: She has a for 9 years.

4. 3.-Differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Past Simple.

4.1. 1.-Structure: The present perfect tense uses "has/have",and the verb in the past participle.The past simple uses just the verb in the past.

4.1.1. Example:1.Present Perfect Tense: I have eaten breakfast. 2.Past Simple: I ate breakfast.

4.2. 2.-Different functions: The present perfect tense is used for unspecific time, while the past simple requires a specific time.

4.2.1. Example:1.Present Perfect Tense: I have traveled to many countries. 2.Past Simple: I traveled to many countries last year.