Charlotte character traits

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Charlotte character traits by Mind Map: Charlotte character traits

1. Helpful

1.1. on pg.77 It said charlotte wrote the word some pig in her web.That was helpful because when she wrote those words she was saving wilbur’s life.The way the words some pig saved wilbur’s life was because they made the people think that wilbur was a special pig

2. Truthful

2.1. on pg.58 wilbur said, “I want to be a spider like you so i can spin webs”and charlotte said, “wilbur don’t be ridiculous you are a pig so you can’t be a spider.”

3. Smart

3.1. on pg.35 it said that Charlotte said, “Salutations”to Wilbur and Wilbur said, “What does that mean”.Charlotte said it was a fancy way of saying hi.