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Atomic Habits by Mind Map: Atomic Habits

1. **1 - Define Your Identity**

1.1. Decide who you want to become.

1.2. Align your habits with your identity. "Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become."

2. **2 - Develop a System-Focused Approach**

2.1. Shift from goals to systems.

2.1.1. Example: not "I will lose 20 lbs" but "I will run everyday"

2.2. Embrace continuous improvement and focus on getting 1% better everyday. 1% better everyday for a year = 37 times better.

2.3. Understand "The Plateau of Latent Potential." Many of your efforts won't show until you cross a certain threshold. This means you need to push through and stay consistent even if you don't see immediate results.

3. **3 - Apply the Four Laws of Behavior Change to Create Good Habits**

3.1. Law 1 - Make it Obvious

3.1.1. Habit Stacking - Pair a new habit with an existing one. Follow this formula: "After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT]"

3.1.2. Implementation Intentions - Define when and where you will perform your new habit. Follow this formula: "I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION]"

3.1.3. Use a scorecard to keep track of your habits to become aware of them.

3.1.4. Design Your environment to make good habits obvious and visible. If you want to drink more water, place water bottles in common areas of your house.

3.2. Law 2 - Make it attractive

3.2.1. Temptation Bundling - Link an action you need to do with one you want to do. Example: Only looking at social media in the gym. This will make you look forward to going to the gym.

3.2.2. Surround yourself with people who do your desired behavior normally.

3.2.3. Create a motivation ritual. Before you do a difficult habit, do something you enjoy. Example: Listening to music before a hard workout to get you pumped to exercise.

3.3. Law 3 - Make it Easy

3.3.1. Reduce the number of steps it takes for you to do a desireable habit. Example: Lay out your workout clothes the night before.

3.3.2. Start out by changing your habits to actions that can be done within 2 minutes. Example: Read before bed becomes read one page before bed.

3.3.3. Do one time actions to make a desireable habit easier. Example: If you want to focus more, mute your notifications Example: If you want to sleep earlier, remove the TV from your room.

3.4. Law 4 - Make it Satisfying

3.4.1. Reward yourself immediately after completing a habit. Example: After you complete a workout, watch an episode of your favorite show.

3.4.2. Make avoiding bad habits enjoyable. Example: When you don't spend money, put your savings in a jar to visualize it.

3.4.3. Use a habit tracker to keep track of your habit streak and "don't break the chain." Tracking habits makes it obvious, attractice, and satisfying.

3.4.4. Never miss a habit twice. When you miss a habit, be sure to get right back to it immediately.

4. **4 - Apply the Opposite of the Four Laws of Behavior Change to Break Bad Habits**

4.1. Make it Invisible

4.2. Make it unattractive

4.3. Make it difficult

4.4. Make it unsatisfying

5. **5 - Find Games Where the Odds are in your Favor.**

5.1. What feels like fun to me, but work to others?

5.2. What makes me lose track of time?

5.3. Where do I get greater returns than the average person?

5.4. What comes naturally to me?

6. **6 - Fall in love with boredom and consistently stick to habits to fulfill your dreams.**

7. **7 - Consistently reflect and review how you have been doing in your habits for consistent improvement.**

8. **8 - Never stop making improvements and get results that last.**