Intraoral and Extraoral Exam

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Intraoral and Extraoral Exam by Mind Map: Intraoral and Extraoral Exam

1. Physical Characteristics

1.1. Size & shape

2. Intraoral exam

2.1. Soft tissue, teeth, and gums, hard palate, soft palate, alveolar and vestibular mucosa, floor of mouth, TMJ R.Harrison

2.2. Palpatation by feeling for tenderness or swelling in the mouth, and lymph nodes under the jaw or neck area R.Harrison

2.3. Mouth mirror is used for invisibility and inspection, and explorer and probe are used for detecting cavities or rough surfaces R.Harrison

3. Kinds of lesions

3.1. elevated

3.1.1. Blisterform (vesicle, pustule, bulla) - Gabby T

3.1.2. Nonlblisterform (papule, nodule, tumor, plaque) - Gabby T

3.1.3. Depressed lesions (ulcer, erosion) - Gabby T

3.1.4. Flat lesions (macule) - Gabby T

4. extraoral exam elements - (katherine k)

4.1. overall appearance

4.2. face

4.2.1. visual

4.3. skin

4.3.1. dry/lesions

4.4. nodes

4.4.1. palpation

4.5. TMJ

4.5.1. feeling the joint from palpation

4.6. lips

5. Palpation: the evaluation of a lesion by feeling it with fingers to determine the texture of the area. (Natarsha B)

5.1. Soft

5.2. Firm

5.3. Semifirm

5.4. Fluid filled

6. Documentation (Grace D)

6.1. Very necessary to accurately and precisely document every aspect of the extra and intra oral exam (Grace D)

6.2. Use dental terms or normal descriptive words to describe what you see (Grace D)

6.2.1. Examples: Corrugated, lobulated, pallor, vascular, fissured, linea alba, etc. (Grace D)

7. Tb

8. Methods for Examination (Lisely G.)

8.1. Palpation- using the sense of touch through tissue manipulation or pressure on an area with gloved finger of one hand or both

8.1.1. Bimanual palpayion

8.1.2. Bilateral palpation

9. palpation intraoral imaging

9.1. Anatomy teeth gongiva tongue palate salaivary glands cheeks floor of the mouth

10. Examinations

10.1. Visual insspection

11. Necessary as part of a comprehensive exam

12. Used to detect abnormalities

12.1. palpation

12.1.1. Observation Olfaction

13. Used to determine Normal from abnormal

13.1. Fordyce granules

14. Oral cancer

14.1. Intraoral leaions

15. components of examination

15.1. Preparation for the examination: review patient records; select instruments and supplies A.Asante

15.2. Methods of Examination: direct observation; palpation (digital, bi-digital, bi-manual, bilateral) A.Asante

15.3. Record Form(s): must contain enough space for notations or information recorded: any deviation, its location and extent, patient knowledge of duration, pain, description of what is observed, color, surface texture, consistency. A.Asante

16. Record Form(s): must contain enough space for notations or information recorded: any deviation, its location and extent, patient knowledge of duration, pain, description of what is observed, color, surface texture, consistency. A.Asante

17. I'm