Central Community App

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Central Community App by Mind Map: Central Community App

1. Find a serving team

2. Find a group

3. Send Messages

4. Features

4.1. Media

4.1.1. Watch Livestream

4.1.2. Access Sermon Series

4.2. Give

4.3. Volunteer

4.3.1. Manage your serving times

4.3.2. See and manage family serving.

4.4. Event Calendar

4.4.1. See what coming up.

4.4.2. Sign up for events

4.4.3. Share events with your personal calendar

4.5. Group

4.6. Future Release

4.6.1. Sermon Notes

4.6.2. Special Campaigns

4.7. Secure

4.8. Fast

4.9. Easy

5. Action Items

5.1. Create Campaign

5.1.1. Form Creative Team

5.1.2. List of Deliverables Graphics Webpage Video Promo

5.1.3. Onsite Demo

5.1.4. In Service Demos

5.2. Choose Available Features

5.3. Finalize Designs

5.4. Strategy for Push Notifications

6. Roll-out Audiences

6.1. CCB Genius

6.2. Staff

6.3. Session

6.4. Deacons

6.5. Volunteer Teams

6.5.1. Media Team

6.5.2. CK Team

6.5.3. Whirlwind Team

6.5.4. Welcome Team

6.5.5. WOW

6.6. Personal Selection

6.6.1. Secret Meeting Invite

6.6.2. Parents

6.7. Congregation

7. Campaign

7.1. Teasers 10/31

7.2. Show People

7.2.1. How to get on

7.3. Action List

7.3.1. Create a Display (Kim) Create plan for softare to drive display (Gill) Create Content slides (Gill)

7.3.2. Make Teaser Videos

7.3.3. Train Experts (Sue)

7.3.4. Plan Feature Showcase

7.3.5. Create Webpage

7.3.6. Create Social Media Campaign

7.3.7. Develop Weekly Feature Ideas In-service Spotlight In Service Video Giveaway

7.3.8. Order T-Shirts