Shabib Products

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Shabib Products by Mind Map: Shabib Products

1. Static IM Products

1.1. GNC Brand book and map template

1.2. GNC IM toolkit

1.3. Annual Report

2. Application

2.1. Safe Seating by Power App

2.2. Nutrition Information System by DHIS2

3. Website



3.3. CCPM

4. GNC Learining

4.1. All IM training

5. Business analyst and project management

5.1. GNC Elearining

5.2. CCPM

5.3. Request management system

5.4. DHIS2

5.5. My New Home Project

6. Interactive IM Products

6.1. Lebanon Response Dashboard

6.2. Coordination team

6.3. Deployment

6.4. Tableau Products

6.5. TA Support Request Dashboard

6.6. Tigray infographic map

6.7. Ethiopia Achievement Dashboard

6.8. Ethiopia Nutrition 4Ws

6.9. ESARO Regional Dashboard

6.10. Supply dashboard

7. Data science and machine learning

7.1. Data Perspective on the Evolution of Education

7.2. Calculate population-weighted coverage of health services

7.3. GCCS HR Data Predicted