To what extent women's experience in sport is still triggered by society

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To what extent women's experience in sport is still triggered by society by Mind Map: To what extent women's experience in sport is still triggered by society

1. Justine Siegal

1.1. 1st to coach pro baseb team

1.2. Had to make sacrifices

1.2.1. In order to play freely

1.3. Sought advice from other women

1.3.1. Sorority

1.4. Aware of the rise

1.4.1. Certainly we're standing on the shoulders of the sucess of the other pro leagues

2. Women's sport

2.1. Will generate a billion dollars in 2024

2.2. Plus popularity

2.3. Marketing openings

2.4. Hockey-record crowds

3. Women's Professional Baseball League

3.1. Launch in 2026

3.2. 2nd team since the one that dissolved

3.2.1. All American Girls Pro Baseb League

3.2.2. To maintain war play

3.3. A chance to shine again against others

4. Rivalry to men

4.1. Played with as foes

4.2. For decades

4.3. Siegal

4.3.1. 13yo A coach said she should not Reality Nowadays issues

5. Rejection for girl to play

5.1. Have to play in other gender team's