what is Technology?

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what is Technology? by Mind Map: what is Technology?

1. What do I think Technolgy is now after the module

1.1. Secondly, what i think technology is now is it's ability to grow at a very fast pace in society. in our day to day lives we use technology to help us complete easy tasks, such as having reminders on our phones, or putting important days in our calendars it could be our birthday, a friends birthday or etc technology isn't just our tool it is wired to us in a way like it's our second notion.

1.1.1. there are objects that are very helpful just electronics as quoted "Locks that help to keep our things safe"(Powtoon 2019).

1.2. Another reason to connect my idea about technology now is the fact it evolves constantly,shaping and transforming society as a whole and economies around the world.

1.2.1. "we are co-evolving with our technology"(Kelly,2010).

2. thirdly, my idea of technology before the module was just an accesible and easy learning device that we could use to achieve a means, such as creating a prenstation or trying to achieve a goal.

3. what i thought technology was before

3.1. Solid objects made by smart indivduals

3.1.1. "Technology is anything useful invented by a mind"(Kelly,2010).

3.2. such as cars,laptops,ipads,phones, computers and any type of video game consoles.

3.3. A Place to Connect and become your true self with others

4. How i believe technology has changed

4.1. well firstly, it has changed not just in one way but in many to be specific how we work,communicate and being able to pull up information. for example, a person is able to go online and search up the current problems going on around the world with just one click it is super effiecent and fast.

4.1.1. "in fact, technology is acclerating all the aspects of life"(Kelly,2010).

4.2. How to add assets

4.3. Editing Best Practices

5. Why we need new technologies

5.1. fourthly, my reason on why we need new technologies is because new technologies allows us to optimize processes,save time and more importantly reduce costs. another reason on why would be because it can solve emerging problems as of right now the world is facing challenges like climate change,resource scarcity,and global health issues, with new technologies they can help address these problems through easy innovative solutions.

5.1.1. "when we use these pieces of hardware we are taking part in something much bigger than ourselves,something that affects us individually and socially."(Dyer,2009).

5.1.2. as kevin kelly said himself "it's moving through us, this self-organization and we are extending it and accelerating it by aligning the technology that we make"(Kelly,2010) I believe how this truly connects the fact we as humans can make the new technology and be able to grow with it and reach a better point in life such as becoming better humans overall.

5.2. fifthly, to connect my idea about needing new technologies is just the simple fact in the future there will be big problems that we will not be able to fix at this time of day or the state as we are seeing it that's why it's best if we can get better technology to fully fix these problems in the long run.

6. how my ideas have changed!

6.1. my ideas have now changed regarding technology because i used to believe technology only had one story to it but after being able to dive in deeper about this topic as a whole I know understand that technology cannot be defined just by one thing, technology really is a device that's all around us.

7. my new definition of what Technology is

7.1. Is that at it's core technology is the dynamic intergration of knowledge,innovation and the specific tools that humans develop to adapt,create and transform the world around them.

8. References

8.1. Dyer, J. (2009, December 27). Defining the Word “Technology” … Four Times - John Dyer. John Dyer. https://j.hn/defining-the-word-technology-four-times/

8.2. Kevin Kelly tells Technology's epic story.(2010,Feburary 22) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4

8.3. What is Technology. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px5z-dG531c

8.4. Li-Hua, R. (2007). What is technology? Journal of Technology Management in China, 2(3). https://doi.org/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001