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Global City (World City) by Mind Map: Global City (World City)

1. Pull Factors of Hong Kong as a global city

1.1. International Business / Financial Centre

1.2. Well-developed infrastructure

1.3. Higher wage level than neighbouring cities

1.4. Multiple culture

1.5. Infdependent leag and judicial system

2. Push Factors of Hong Kong as a global city

2.1. Economic competitiveness is falling

2.2. High living and operation costs

2.3. Improvement need in education, creativity and technology

2.4. Ageing population quanity and quality of the labour forces decrease

2.5. Serious air pollution

3. External Factors for transnational population flow of global cities

3.1. Improved transportation reduce the time and cost of transnational population flow

3.2. Improved comunication technology more convenient for migrants to contact their families

3.3. More multinational corporations multinational corporations set up branches in major cities to expand business

3.4. Economic Liberalisation limitations on trade, investment and labour flow are loosend

4. Four Aspects of social Characteristics

4.1. Economy

4.2. Description

4.3. Population

4.4. Culture

5. Is Hong Kong a global city?

5.1. Economy Low tax policy Free trade policy

5.2. Information Freedom of speech and communication is protected by law

5.3. Population City of migrants Multi-ethnic labour force

5.4. Culture unique and diverse culture