1. Crosscutting: Gender and Social inclusion
1.1. Indigenous Peoples and local communities
1.1.1. Guidance note (co-branded with Climate Promise) on FPIC (UNDP, Norway) - GLOBAL
1.1.2. FAQs on CMs for Indigenous Peoples [UNDP; Norway] - GLOBAL
1.2. Gender
1.2.1. Pilot testing and lessons learned from initial application of W+ standard to REDD+ RBPs – Knowledge Product [UNDP; UK, Norway] - GLOBAL
1.2.2. Updated global learning journals on implementation of Social Inclusion & Gender in REDD+ [UNDP, KFS] - GLOBAL
1.2.3. Two info briefs providing practical guidance on integrating gender into the VCM ecosystem [UNDP; UK, Norway] - GLOBAL
1.2.4. Lessons Learned and best practices from LAC in integrating gender into REDD+ implementation and RBPs [UNDP, core] - LAC
1.2.5. LAC Gender and REDD+ online Platform [(UNDP), Norway] - LAC
1.2.6. Global gender and VCM group platform (including webinars, articles and lessons learned) [UNDP; UK, Norway] - GLOBAL
2. Integrity
2.1. MRV
2.2. Safeguards
2.2.1. Safeguards Group in LAC (including webinars, articles and lessons learned) [UNEP; UK, Norway]
2.2.2. Guidance note (co-branded with Climate Promise) on SES & SDGs (UNDP, Norway) - GLOBAL
2.2.3. Safeguards learning journal (KFS, UNEP, March, Global)
2.3. Benefit Sharing
2.3.1. Global knowledge exchange on benefit sharing [UNEP;Norway, March 2025, Global],
2.3.2. Flagship UNREDD report looking at non-forest carbon benefits (UNEP, Uk, August, Global)
2.3.3. Global roundtable exchange on forest non-carbon benefits [UNEP;Norway, July 2025, Global]
2.3.4. Guidance note (co-branded with Climate Promise) on benefit sharing (UNDP, Norway) - GLOBAL
2.4. Nesting
2.4.1. Lessons learned/case studies from initial nesting frameworks [UN-REDD; UK, Norway, Global]
2.4.2. Webinar on Nesting in REDD+ and on Deforestation-free commodity [UNEP; AFF, TBC, Africa]
2.4.3. Community of Practice on Nesting in REDD+ and on Deforestation Free Commodity UNEP,AFF, August2025, Africa]
3. Use red for Global, blue for Africa, green for Asia and orange for LAC
4. Finance
4.1. Article 5
4.2. Article 6
4.2.1. AFF Policy Dialogue on Aligning REDD+ with other sectors of the economy in Kenya [UNEP; AFF, Feb 2025, Kenya]
4.2.2. AFF Policy Dialogue on Aligning REDD+ with other sectors of the economy in DRC [UNEP; AFF, May 2025, DRC]
4.2.3. 3rd Regional Learning Lab and Knowledge Exchange on finance in Africa [UNEP; AFF, August 2025]
4.3. VCM
4.3.1. Forests Carbon Markets learning journal (KFS, UNEP, March, Global)
4.3.2. Regional/cross-country knowledge exchange on harmonizing carbon markets and RBPs in Asia Pacific (Art 6, RBPs, domestic carbon markets, etc) [UNEP, TA funds, 2nd half 2025
4.3.3. Webinar on ‘Engaging private actors for forest finance in Asia Pacific’ [UNEP,Norway, February 2025]
4.3.4. Community of Practice on Carbon Markets and Integrity UNEP,AFF, April 2025, Africa]
4.3.5. Webinar on forest carbon pricing [UNEP,Norway, January 2025, Global]
4.4. RPBs/PBPs
4.4.1. Policy and field lessons from the GCF REDD+ RBPs pilot phase (UNDP, Norway core) - GLOBAL
5. Ambition
5.1. NDC
5.1.1. Four Policy Briefs to be developed from the National Policy Dialogues and consultations held in Africa [UNEP; AFF, Jan-Aug 2025 Africa],
5.1.2. Knowledge Product on Land Sector in NDCs: Key updates to teh land sector NDC guidance, with an emphasis on NDC revision process (co-branded with Climate Promise) (UNDP, Norway) - GLOBAL
5.2. ETF
5.3. Analytical Capacity
6. Results
6.1. Forests sector
6.2. Cross sectoral
6.2.1. International Day of Forests (IDF) Side Event on Potential of the AFOLU sector [UNEP; AFF, March 2025, Africa]