How to improve the life of foreign students in Barcelona

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How to improve the life of foreign students in Barcelona by Mind Map: How to improve the life of foreign students in Barcelona

1. Community

1.1. Integration & Social Activities

1.1.1. Integration activities platform

1.1.2. Student girls group

1.1.3. Student boys group

1.1.4. Volunteer community of students giving city tours to help integrate into the city

1.1.5. End-of-year holidays gatherings

1.1.6. Program matching international students with local families

1.1.7. Program pairing experienced students with newcomers in the same neighborhood

1.2. Resources & Practical Help for Students

1.2.1. Platform with important location for students to orient themselves

1.2.2. Platform with updated student review about universities, cities, etc.

1.2.3. 24/7 help/emergency hotline with English speaking staff

1.2.4. "Welcome kits" with essentials

1.2.5. Distribution of goods for students at lower prices (food, cleaning supplies, etc.)

1.2.6. Daily free lottery ticket for a student

1.2.7. Platform to collect and giveaway items other students are giving away because then ended their exchange time

1.2.8. Renting a shared workspace for intenrational students

1.2.9. Ride-sharing system for weekend trips (exclusive for students)

1.3. Entertainment & Recommendations

1.3.1. Real-time party recommendations

1.3.2. Restaurant recommendations

1.3.3. Travel tips for Spain/Europe

1.3.4. Shopping tips for sales/discounts

2. Sports

2.1. Sports community

3. Education

3.1. Learning New Skills

3.1.1. Investing safely courses

3.1.2. Cooking workshops

3.1.3. Spanish and Catalan courses

3.2. Academic Support

3.2.1. Budget friendly peer-to-peer tutoring platform

3.2.2. Connect international students with part-time jobs/internships

4. Paperwork

4.1. Administrative Assistance

4.1.1. Volunatry assistance with immigration procedures for each student

4.1.2. Platform connecting exchange students with budget-friendly professionals

4.1.3. Help and tips about the drivers license process

4.2. Student Guidance & Practical Tips

4.2.1. Guidance and tips on phone networks (SIM cards) in Spain

4.2.2. Public Transportation guidance and tips

4.2.3. Banking guidance and tips

4.2.4. Simple emergency medical guide outline how to access healthcare or insurance options

5. Health

5.1. Mental Health

5.1.1. Free psychology services

5.2. Recommendations and Tips

5.2.1. Doctors and hospitals recommendations with reviews

5.2.2. Dentist recommendations and reviews due to the inefficiency of the social security with dental health

5.3. Emergency & Safety Resources

5.3.1. Emergency safety App providing emergency contacts, hospital locations, and safety tips

6. Housing

6.1. Apartment search platform that helps connect students to find roommates

6.2. Platform to connect students with religious residences so they can be aware that these exist

6.3. Platform which guides and simplifies the process of renting and entire apartment