What is Technology
by Ryan Da Silva
1. What I thought Technology was before the Module
1.1. Smart Devices
1.2. Artificial Intelligence
1.3. Computer Programs
1.4. Electronics
1.5. New Innovations
2. What I think Technology is after reading the Module
2.1. Human Assistance
2.1.1. Plumbing
2.1.2. Clothes
2.1.3. Cars
2.2. New Inventions
2.2.1. AI
2.2.2. Speach to text
2.3. Simple things
2.3.1. Pen
2.3.2. Wallets
2.3.3. Paper Clips
3. A New Definition of Technology
3.1. The application of new ideas and concepts to make life easier for humans
3.2. The routines, methods, and skills, used to make anything
4. Why we need Technology
4.1. For basic human survival
4.2. To continue improving our quality of life
4.3. To move society in the right direction
5. References
5.1. Li-Hua, R. (2007). What is Technology? Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2 No. 3. https://doi-org.library.sheridanc.on.ca/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001 Dyer, J. (2021, Jan 18). Defining the word “Technology” Four Times. Perma. https://j.hn/defining-the-word-technology-four-times/ Nusys. (2020) What is Technology? Youtube Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px5z-dG531c Tuck, C. (2020) What is Technology? Youtube Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9CzjdrFgiY