1. Initial preception of Technology
1.1. Tools and devices like computers, smartphones, and machines.
1.2. Primarily associated with modern advancements and gadgets.
1.3. Limited understanding focused on physical devices and software applications.
2. Why We Need New Technologies
2.1. Addressing Emerging Challenges
2.1.1. Enviromnent issues like climate change require technological solutions.
2.1.2. Tackling global health crises such as pandemics through innovations in diagnostics and treatment.
2.2. Improving Quality of Life (Isman, 2012)
2.2.1. Enhancements in healthcare (e.g., telemedicine, AI diagnostics). (Cheng-Tek Tai, 2020)
2.2.2. Accessibility advancements for differently-abled individuals.
2.2.3. Increasing safety and efficiency in transportation through autonomous vehicles and smart traffic systems.
2.3. Economic and Social Development
2.3.1. Creating new industries and job opportunities
2.3.2. Facilitating global communication and collaboration
2.3.3. Revolutionizing industries like agriculture and manufacturing through automation and precision technologies. (What is technology, 2022)
2.4. Cultural and Educational Growth
2.4.1. Promoting cross-cultural exchange through digital platforms.
2.4.2. Democratizing access to education and information.
2.4.3. Encouraging innovation and creativity through platforms that enable content creation and distribution.
2.5. Enhancing Global Connectivity
2.5.1. New technologies like 5G and satellite internet ensure broader access to digital networks, bridging the gap between rural and urban areas.
2.5.2. Encourage the development of smart cities and more connected communities.
3. One Piece of Technology that symbolizes my concept
3.1. Smartphone
3.1.1. Symbolizes the intersection of innovation, societal impact, and adaptability.
3.1.2. Combines communication, information sharing, and accessibility in one device.
3.1.3. A tool that bridges human limitations while enabling widespread connectivity.
3.1.4. Plays a significant role in the amplification of information, both in positive advancements and phenomena like the streisand effect.
4. Something I do not consider technology but others might?
4.1. Nature-Inspired Practices (e.g., Premaculture)
4.1.1. Often seen as "natural" rather than technological.
4.1.2. Involves systematic designs and methods rooted in technological principles like problem-solving and innvoation.
4.1.3. Illustrates how technology isn't limited to modern devices but extends to creative applications of knowledge in harmony with nature.
5. Apple Christmas Commerical 2021: "The Comeback" Commerical is not just about showcasing Apple's technology but also emphasizes the emotional and supportive power of creative tools in the context of personal growth and family and love. It is a celebration of both technology and human connection.
5.1. Creativity & Self-expression
5.2. Inclusion & Belonging
5.3. Family Support
6. How my ideas have changes
6.1. From a gadget-focused perception to a systems-oriented, interdisciplinary approach.
6.2. Acknowledgment of technology's societal impacts, both positive and negative.
6.3. Realization that technology is not inherently good or bad but depends on its application and context.
7. References
7.1. O’Donovan, C., & Smith, A. (2019). Technology and Human Capabilities in UK Makerspaces. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 21(1), 63–83. Tandfonline. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19452829.2019.1704706
7.2. Cheng-Tek Tai, M. (2020). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Society and Bioethics. Tzu Chi Medical Journal, 32(4), 339–343. National Library of Medicine. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7605294/
7.3. Gkeredakis, M., Lifshitz-Assaf, H., & Barrett, M. (2021). Crisis as opportunity, disruption and exposure: Exploring emergent responses to crisis through digital technology. Information and Organization, 31(1), 100344. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1471772721000105?casa_token=iIsB6sRYfCUAAAAA:zIM_fBtpEPqI6sFkaSAwjY7NoyD4gNCMD8KLAJfZdOIyQ5TuWJMejED__XZH4DDgm0BRwuEP0bU
7.4. Thierer, A. (2014, April 29). Defining “Technology.” Technology Liberation Front. https://techliberation.com/2014/04/29/defining-technology/
7.5. İşman, A. (2012). TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE: AN EDUCATIONAL PERSPECTIVE. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2). http://tojet.net/articles/v11i2/11222.pdf
7.6. TED. (2010). Kevin Kelly tells technology’s epic story [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://youtu.be/GS1xL1qcBa4?si=tlmnMklYVrMoO04u
7.7. SMARTEduEMEA. (2011). The history of technology in education [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://youtu.be/UFwWWsz_X9s?si=qpfuLBmKiNrCWo1D
7.8. Li-Hua, R. (2007). What is technology? Journal of Technology Management in China, 2(3). https://www-emerald-com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/insight/content/doi/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001/full/html
8. What I think technology is now:
8.1. Technology refers to the application of knowledge, tools and systems to solve problems, enhance human capabilities, and facilitate processes in various domains of life (Li- Hua, 2007).
8.1.1. Encompasses both tangible (machines, gadgets) and intangible (processes, systems) elements.
8.1.2. Technology is not merely a product but an evolving concept that involves innovation and adaptation. Thierer, 2024)
8.1.3. Interdisciplinary in nature, influencing areas like healthcare, education, communication, and infrastructure. (Kevin Kelly, 2010)