1. What I Thought technology was before
1.1. whenever i thought of the word "technology" my mind instantly goes towards electronics and exclusivly electronics
1.1.1. https://www.apple.com/ca/iphone-16/ (it wont let me add photos unless i pay for it so here are some links that how you things that thought about when i thought about technology)
1.1.2. https://www.corsair.com/ca/en
1.1.3. I also think of mother boards or simply just a bread board when i think of tech
1.1.4. technology also gets me thinking about the future and what is to come with it. i think movies and alot of media has made me think that in the future we will have robot maids and flying cars cause it seems like it is evolving more and more every year.
1.1.5. even sports these days are adding little trackers in the ball/puck to track them perfectly for tv watchers and also so they can accurately see for example if the ball really crosses the line for a touchdown for moments when the camera couldnt see.
2. What I Think It Is Now After the module
2.1. but most importantly now, i think of technology as a tool that does whatever you made it to do. for example its used for communication, edjucation (im using it right now to finish this project) transportation and its also our main source of entertainment in this era
2.1.1. EXAMPLES Cars, Bicycles, trains, computers, cellphones, FL Studio(a software to make music and sounds), satillite dishes, D2L, MINDMEISTER, a powered drill, Hammer ect
2.2. after reading this module it opened my mind larger to what the word means and it is way more complicated then i thought it was because technology is way more then just a phone or a computer.
2.3. technology is the tools and methods used to solve problems and make quality as life better as it continues to evolve and it ranges a very large variety of fields.
2.4. “Properly understood, any new and better way of doing things is technology.” said by Peter Thiel in In Zero to One: Notes on How to Build the Future (2014) as cited by Adam Thierer in his "Defining Technology" article
3. Why We Need New Technology
3.1. I think we need new technology because it is a very key part to our lives and evolving as a whole.without technology we would still be banging rocks together trying to start a fire and maybe one day it gets so advanced that it keeps us living improving our life spans. technology has a good chance with making humans a multiplanet species maybe not in our lifetimes but i think it will come faster then what people think.
3.1.1. with technology people has started making their own currencies and alot of people have had major finiacial boost from it example, https://bitcoin.org/en/
3.2. In his December 1937 essay in Vol. 2, Issue No. 6 of the American Sociological Review, “Technology and State Government,” Read Bain said “technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing, clothing, communicating and transporting devices and the skills by which we produce and use them.” (p. 860) (found by Adam Thierer in his paper on "Defining technology)
3.2.1. i think just this statement alone says why we do need new technology to keep coming out because it is only going to get better and do more things making quality of life better overall.