What is Technology?

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What is Technology? by Mind Map: What is Technology?

1. What I Think Now

1.1. After completing the readings, I realized that te chnology encompasses much more than the mo dern gadgets we use daily. It includes everything fr om ancient inventions to today’s cutting-edge tools, all connected by knowledge passed down t hrough generations. What drives technology f orward is the continuous push for efficiency. Without t his need for improvement, technological progress could quickly stagnate. Now, I view technology as the collective wisdom of humanity, constantly evolving to address our ongoing demand for better solutions.

1.1.1. New Definition Technology represents the pursuit of efficiency and practical knowledge through tools and innovations to solve problems and enhance the human experience.

2. Why We Need New Technologies

2.1. Each innovative breakthrough not only enriches our collective knowledge but also transforms the way we work, making processes more efficient than ever before.

3. Both Li‐Hua (2007) and Isman (2012) show that k nowledge isn’t just about fact; it is also about r elationships and how people share what they k now. They focus on tacit knowledge, the unspoken insights you gain through hands-on experience and personal connections. This emphasis on real-world interaction helps explain how technology and society keep evolving.

4. Defining technology is inherently challenging because each person's perspective shapes it, which Li-Hua (2007) calls "interpretations based on their differing positions." There is more to technology than a simple definition, as it's associated with the human experience.

5. Computers and various mechanical devices, including robotics and electric cars.

6. Primitive weapons and essential inventions, such as the wheel and the light bulb.

7. Different coding technologies, such as artificial intelligence and various apps, are essential in today’s development of technologies.

8. Without newer technologies, we could begin to lose that form of collective knowledge as it allows for preserving thought and older forms of tech to remain relevant as the backbone of modern tech.

9. As Kevin Kelly (2010) discusses in his TED Talk, the most critical animal that was domesticated is us, stating that our humanity is a form of technology as we have invented it.

10. John Dyer (2021) defines "technology" four times, with "0. Technology as Social Usage," emphasizing that people are the backbone of knowledge, linking the creation of technologies directly to social change.

11. What I Thought Before

11.1. Before starting this module, my understanding of technology was quite limited. My knowledge revolved around modern devices that I use every day. As a result, I tended to overlook older or more invisible forms of technology, considering them completely separate from my definition of what technology is.

11.1.1. Old Definition Technology is the development of innovative solutions that enhance our daily lives and meet our needs effectively.

12. Refrences Dyer, J. (2021, January 18). Defining the word “technology” … four times. Perma. https://perma.cc/FV4Q-FNNC Isman, A. (2012). Technology and technique: An educational perspective. TOJET the Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2), 207–213. http://tojet.net/articles/v11i2/11222.pdf Li-Hua, R. (2007). What is technology?, Journal of Technology Management in China, 2(3). https://doi-org.library.sheridanc.on.ca/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001 TED. (2010, February 22). Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story | Kevin Kelly [Video]. https://youtu.be/GS1xL1qcBa4?si=50Pp8Pa-Wdc2VWol