
Breanna M

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Technology by Mind Map: Technology

1. What I Thought Before

1.1. I thought technology meant any electronic device with intelligence/the ability to compute

1.2. Phones, Laptops, Computers

1.3. Devices that can interpret our information/inputs and convert them into/onto something else

2. How have my ideas changed?

2.1. I previously believed that technology was limited to computers/devices that can do calculations or retrieve information. After the module I have learned that these are only one of many types of technology. While these devices do solve a problem/make tasks easier, so do many non-electonic things. Things like my notebook, my table, even my glasses. "The History of Technology in Education" Youtube, uploaded by SMARTEduEMEA, October 3rd, 2011, .

3. What I Think now

3.1. Humans have been creating technology since discovering fire. Technology is anything that makes our lives easier/ solves a problem. It is difficult to establish a concrete definition of technology as the meaning of the word changes as society advances. Kumar, V., Kumar, U. & Persaud, A. Building Technological Capability Through Importing Technology: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. The Journal of Technology Transfer 24, 81–96 (1999).

3.1.1. Phones, Laptops, Computers

3.1.2. Fire

3.1.3. Furniture

3.1.4. Radio

3.2. As Mr. Li-Hua puts it, Technology means something different to everyone, depending on their area of expertise. So for someone like me going into film and television, it would look like camera advancements and software advancements like Adobe. Li-Hua, Richard (2007) "What is technology?", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2 Iss: 3.

3.2.1. Cameras

3.2.2. Softwares

3.2.3. Tripods

3.2.4. Dolly

4. Why do we need new technologies?

4.1. Technology is ever-evolving. We now need technology **for **our technology. For example, we needed flat roads to solve a problem that arised after creating cars. These roads needed to be sturdy aswell, leading to concrete/asphalt roads. This is one example of how new technology creates new problems, which require more technological advancements to solve.

4.2. Another way to look at it is that we humans are developing with technology. We adapt to our technology and it becomes a normal. As a species we are always looking to make tasks easier than they already are. For example, researching. We used to read books > search the web > ask Siri or Alexa > asking ChatGPT. ChatGPT has become the new "standard" for research. Dyer, John. “Defining the Word “Technology” … Four Times - John Dyer.”, 27 Dec. 2009,

5. References

5.1. Dyer, John. “Defining the Word “Technology” … Four Times - John Dyer.”, 27 Dec. 2009,

5.2. Kumar, V., Kumar, U. & Persaud, A. Building Technological Capability Through Importing Technology: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. The Journal of Technology Transfer 24, 81–96 (1999)., Richard (2007)

5.3. "What is technology?", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2 Iss: 3.

5.4. "The History of Technology in Education" Youtube, uploaded by SMARTEduEMEA, October 3rd, 2011, .