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What is Technology? by Mind Map: What is Technology?

1. What I thought technology was before

1.1. I used to believe that technology were scientific tools made by humans to help improve quality of life and efficiency in everyday life.

1.1.1. Examples of technology before Smart Devices -Are devices that connect to the internet and used to make everyday life and tasks easier Computers Smart phones Air Pods Transportation -Used to get people around and make travel easier and faster. Planes Cars Trains Machinery -This is used for automation, improving efficiency and reducing manual labor to help simplify tasks.

2. What I think technology is now

2.1. My new definition of the term

2.1.1. My new belief of what technology is after reading is that technology is a combination of science and skills that is used to create essential and ever growing sets of tools, knowlege and creations that humans use in order to optimize their tasks and make their lives easier.

2.1.2. How my idea of Technology has changed Although my belief of what technology is hasn't really changed, as I still believe that technology are creations made by humans that are used to improve the life of people, I now understand that the term technology covers many more tools and items then I past believed. Examples of technology now As Joe Agar has said "Technology’ is one of the keywords of our world, yet it is also one of the most confused." (Agar, 2019) making it much more difficult to give it a definition then I originally thought. Before I believed that technology had a definite definition but now I understand that technology is a lot more difficult to define then I previously thought. Kumar, Kumar, & Persuad (1999) stated that technology is made of two different primary components being the physical components such as machines, smartphones, tools, ect, and informational components like marketing, production, and quality control. Before reading about technology I thought that only the physical component of technology was a actually considered technology so I have learned that there is also a informational component to technology. After doing research and looking at many different reports and writings done on the topic of technology I have found out that they all have one common factor and the writer that I believe wrote it best was W. Brian Arthur, stating "Technology is a means to fulfill a human purpose. … As a means, a technology may be a method or process or device… Or it may be complicated… Or it may be material… Or it may be nonmaterial. Whichever it is, it is always a means to carry out a human purpose" (Arthur 2009). This one commonality ties all technologies together and makes it so that technology can have some form of definition. I have also learned that "Human’s use of technology involves not only machines (e.g., computer hardware) and instruments, but also includes structured relations with other humans, machines, and the environment"(Isman, 2012, 208).

3. Why do we need new technology

3.1. Since technology is used to make people's lives easier/better having new technology allows for us to improve our quality of life and address evolving challenges.

3.1.1. There are many new and advanced problems that we run into and to solve them we will need new technology some examples are climate change, viruses, and even urbanization. Some technologies that have already shown solutions to modern problems are electric cars, more advanced healthcare/cures, new advances on buildings and homes. Also with all the new technology we are running into new problems that will need even newer technology to solve such as aniviruses and safty measures for devices.

3.1.2. Having new technology will allow us to enhance our efficiency and productivity by saving us time, reducing costs and improve every day life with the use of AI and new smart devices. The use of machines and other tools allows us to simplify our everyday life and solve tasks such as doing research, making products, and talk to others over long distances much easier.

3.1.3. Having new technologies will also allow us to experience new things and progress even further as a society and species.

3.1.4. Also technology allows for easier accessibility by this I mean communication over long distances, speech to text translators, language translators, and other tools that our society need to further advance.

4. References

4.1. Agar, J. (2019). What is technology? Annals of Science, Apple Christmas Commercial 2021 | Apple Christmas Ad 2021. (n.d.). Isman, A. (2012). Technology and Technique : An Educational Persective. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 11(2), 207-213. Retrieved from Kumar, V., Kumar, U., & Persaud, A. (1999). Building Technological Capability Through Importing Technology: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. The Journal of Technology Transfer. W Brian Arthur. (2009). The nature of technology : what it is and how it evolves. Free Press. What is Technology. (n.d.).