Internet for Educators (#I4Ed)

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Internet for Educators (#I4Ed) by Mind Map: Internet for Educators (#I4Ed)

1. Guiding Principles

1.1. Connected Learning

1.2. technology integration models: SAMR/TPACK/TripleE

1.3. Sharing & Open Access

1.4. Deep Learning (the C's)

1.5. Literacy with ICT

2. Assessment

2.1. Blog

2.2. Tech Tasks

2.3. Summative Project

2.4. /Attendace/Professionalism

3. Online Learning

3.1. MB scene

3.2. why? pros/cons

3.3. some tools and techniques

4. The Present & Future

4.1. Going Mobile!

4.2. BYOD & 1:1

4.3. gaming

4.4. VR and AR

5. Resources

5.1. Technology in MB eBooks

5.2. #I4Ed site

5.3. other ebooks/articles/sites as needed

5.4. Ed Tec @ BU Site

5.5. Guest speakers!

5.6. podcasts (BUCARES & ManACE)

5.6.1. episode on mobiles

5.6.2. Social Media episodes

5.6.3. episodes on digicit/digilit

6. Being a Connected Educator

6.1. PLN & PLE

6.2. learning communities/community of practice/affinity groups

6.3. digital identity?

6.3.1. Digital dualism

7. The Internet

7.1. What is it?

7.2. The 'Internet of Thing'

7.3. identity in a digital age

7.4. Postman

7.5. McLuhan

7.6. Web 2.0 Tools for Education

8. Social Media

9. Theories of Learning & the digital age

9.1. Technological determinism

9.2. constructivism/constructionism/connectivism

10. Digital Citizenship

10.1. expanding the notion of DigCit

10.1.1. sustainability

10.2. online safety

10.3. privacy

10.4. equity

10.5. intellectual property

11. Digital Literacy

11.1. navigating the web

11.2. information fluency & infowhelm

11.3. "fake news"