Internet for Educators (#I4Ed)
by Mike Nantais
1. Guiding Principles
1.1. Connected Learning
1.2. technology integration models: SAMR/TPACK/TripleE
1.3. Sharing & Open Access
1.4. Deep Learning (the C's)
1.5. Literacy with ICT
2. Assessment
2.1. Blog
2.2. Tech Tasks
2.3. Summative Project
2.4. /Attendace/Professionalism
3. Online Learning
3.1. MB scene
3.2. why? pros/cons
3.3. some tools and techniques
4. The Present & Future
4.1. Going Mobile!
4.2. BYOD & 1:1
4.3. gaming
4.4. VR and AR
5. Resources
5.1. Technology in MB eBooks
5.2. #I4Ed site
5.3. other ebooks/articles/sites as needed
5.4. Ed Tec @ BU Site
5.5. Guest speakers!
5.6. podcasts (BUCARES & ManACE)
5.6.1. episode on mobiles
5.6.2. Social Media episodes
5.6.3. episodes on digicit/digilit
6. Being a Connected Educator
6.1. PLN & PLE
6.2. learning communities/community of practice/affinity groups
6.3. digital identity?
6.3.1. Digital dualism
7. The Internet
7.1. What is it?
7.2. The 'Internet of Thing'
7.3. identity in a digital age
7.4. Postman
7.5. McLuhan
7.6. Web 2.0 Tools for Education
8. Social Media
9. Theories of Learning & the digital age
9.1. Technological determinism
9.2. constructivism/constructionism/connectivism
10. Digital Citizenship
10.1. expanding the notion of DigCit
10.1.1. sustainability