**Funds of Knowledge** Understanding the experiences and cultural practices that enrich students...

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**Funds of Knowledge** Understanding the experiences and cultural practices that enrich students' learning. by Mind Map: **Funds of Knowledge**  Understanding the experiences and cultural practices that enrich students' learning.

1. Video 1: Asset to learning Dimension 2.1 the overall definition states that the teacher supports all Learners

1.1. **Funds of Knowledge:** Families’ experiences and cultural practices shape children’s learning and are valuable assets in education.

1.1.1. Reinforcement at Home

1.1.2. Building Partnerships Schools that engage families create supportive educational networks.

1.2. **Cultural Awareness** Cultural competencies are essential in our increasingly globalized economy.

1.2.1. Customs

1.2.2. Home languages influence how children process information in school.

1.2.3. Family celebrations bring communities together.

1.3. Diferentiated instruccions

1.3.1. Varied Delivery Methods Using diverse methods caters to individual student learning preferences.

1.3.2. Inclusive Learning Adapting instruction ensures every student has opportunities to succeed.

1.4. Key Concepts of Effective Teaching Understanding students is vital for designing engaging lessons.

1.4.1. Knowledge of Students Recognizing student backgrounds and skills Personalized teaching methods improve academic performance and learning experiences. Student Engagement Linking lessons to real-life experiences boosts motivation and retention.

1.4.2. Data-Driven Instruction Student Engagement Linking lessons to real-life experiences boosts motivation and retention. Improved Outcomes Data utilization leads to better engagement and academic success.

1.4.3. Social-Emotional Development Safe Environment Creating a nurturing classroom atmosphere supports student well-being. Emotional Resilience Fostering resilience enhances academic success and personal growth.

1.5. **Challenges for Migrant Students:** Lack of cultural recognition in some schools hinders academic progress for migrant children.

1.5.1. Barriers recognition

1.5.2. system support

1.6. **Global Competencies:** Embracing dual language capabilities prepares students for the workforce in the 21st century.

1.6.1. Communication Skills Adapting to diverse environments enhances employability in the job market.

1.6.2. Cultural Awareness

1.7. **Teachers’ Role:** Effective educators bridge prior knowledge with new content, making learning relatable and accessible.

1.7.1. Instructional Plan 1: Instructional Planning and Delivery Facilitating Learning Guiding students based on their unique experiences improves retention. Continuous Reflection Teachers need to reflect on how to adapt lessons culturally.

1.8. **Bilingual Learning:** Developing vocabulary in both the home language and the language of instruction accelerates learning.

1.8.1. Vocabulary Acquisition Dual language approaches enhance vocabulary in context-rich environments.

1.8.2. Cognitive Benefits Bilingualism fosters critical thinking and adaptability in diverse settings.

1.9. **Strong Foundations for Success:** Building on students’ existing knowledge creates a robust academic base for future achievements.

1.9.1. Global Competencies Skills in multiple languages improve adaptability in diverse environments.

1.9.2. College Readiness A strong academic base enhances readiness for higher education challenges.

1.9.3. Workforce Preparation

2. Video 2: Explanation of achieving. expectations. Dimension 2.1 the overall definition states that the teacher supports all Learners High Expectations in Education Establishing high expectations is crucial for student success.

2.1. 1st Descript6or.

2.1.1. Impact on Success High expectations drive student performance and engagement. Teacher Beliefs Teachers' high expectations influence student outcomes significantly. Student Growth Students tend to rise to meet their teacher's expectations.

2.1.2. Continuous Improvement A cycle of improvement encourages ongoing challenges for students. Persistence Teachers must provide support until mastery is achieved. New Expectations Setting new goals fosters a culture of high achievement and resilience.

2.2. 2nddescriptor

2.2.1. Mastery of the objective

2.2.2. Social emociona motivation clear about what the expectations

2.3. 3rd descriptor

2.3.1. Goal Setting Setting and monitoring goals fosters responsibility in students. Effective Characteristics Goals should be specific, measurable, and challenging yet attainable. Lifelong Skills Teaching goal-setting promotes a growth mindset crucial for future success. students are more likely to commit to reaching their goals when goals are specific measurable attainable timely and moderately difficult

2.3.2. Self-Monitoring Responsibility Students learn to take ownership of their learning journey. Progress Adjustments Self-assessment enables students to make necessary learning adjustments.

2.4. T-TESS

3. Video 3: Research about Teacher knowledge of students. 1.3 knowledge of students

3.1. relevant knowledge about their students

3.1.1. learning social emotional developmen and achievement

3.2. T-TESS

3.2.1. who the students are as a point of entry

3.2.2. teachers anticipate students learning difficulties and incorporate differentiated strategies

3.2.3. teachers anticipate students learning difficulties and incorporate differentiated strategies

3.2.4. cyclical process the lesson results and the use of data and assessments for subsequent planning.

3.3. Teachers design

3.3.1. Adress strengths, skills and unique needs

3.3.2. Data-Driven Instruction

3.3.3. Social-Emotional Development

3.3.4. Future learning expectations

3.3.5. Connection to Real-World Experienc

3.3.6. Create link to interest

3.4. Standar1

3.4.1. Standar based

3.4.2. Data driven

3.4.3. Differentiated instruccins

3.4.4. Engages students

3.4.5. Tecnology

3.4.6. learning relevant

3.5. Standar2

3.5.1. High level

3.5.2. social emooional develoment

3.5.3. achivement outcome

3.5.4. developing backgrounds

3.5.5. student needs