Digital Citizenship

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Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship

1. Alert

1.1. privacy and security

1.1.1. ISTE 2.3d Educators model and promote management of personal data, digital identity, and protection of student data.

1.2. cyberbullyimng, digital drama, and hate speech

1.2.1. educators must nbe educated on digital laws and come up with support issues to monitor cyverbullying

2. Informed

2.1. news and media literacy

2.1.1. Students explore local and global issues, and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions.

2.2. Digital Etiquette

2.2.1. model safe, ethical, legal practices there lots of shifts and technology constantly devloping so it is important to model how to utilize the technology for the classroom

2.2.2. ISTE 3a, 3c

3. Inclusive

3.1. digital footprint and identity

3.1.1. Students take action to protect their digital privacy on devices and manage their personal data and security while online.

3.2. relationships and communication

4. Rights and Responsibilty

4.1. digital laws

4.1.1. Should inform students about plagerism and copyright issues as well as the correct way to look for correct internet sources

4.2. Digital Access

4.2.1. ISTE 2.3 b/c

4.2.2. help students understand the opportunities they have such as internet access and online sources and help protect and inform stucdents of potential problems

5. Balanced

5.1. Well-being/mental health

5.1.1. Students safeguard their well-being by being intentional about what they do online and how much time they spend online.

5.1.2. ISTE 1.2.c safegaurd well being

5.2. digital wellness

5.2.1. technology provides many of oportunities but ceeating a schedule and limiting screen time with replacemnets can help children with their mental heath. Also educating the children on how to deal with it and get rescources for when they are struggling and need help