Human- Environment Interactions in Tropical & Subtropical Regions

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Human- Environment Interactions in Tropical & Subtropical Regions by Mind Map: Human- Environment Interactions in Tropical & Subtropical Regions

1. Agricultural & Economy

1.1. Slash & Burn (Shifting Cultivation in Amazon).

1.2. Paddy (Rice) Farming in Ganga- Brahmaputra Delta.

1.3. Cash Crops: Rubber, Sugarcane, Coffee, Tea, Jute.

1.4. Fishing in rivers & coastal areas

2. Human Impact & Environmental Issues

2.1. Defrestation

2.1.1. Clearing land for agriculture, logging

2.2. Urbanization & Pollution

2.2.1. Growing cities, industrial waste

2.3. Climate Change & Flooding

2.3.1. Rising water levels, cyclones

2.4. Soil Erosion & Loss of Biodiversity

3. Adaptation & Conservation

3.1. Sustainable Farming & Forestry

3.2. National Parks & Wildlife Protection

3.3. Afforestation & Reforestation Efforts

4. Climate & Location

4.1. Hot & Humid Climate.

4.2. High Rainfall (Monsoonal).

4.3. Found in Amazon Basin, Congo Basin,etc.

5. Natural Vegetation & Wildlife

5.1. Tropical Rainforests

5.1.1. Dense, evergreen forests (Amazon, Congo).

5.2. Subtropical Vegetation

5.2.1. Grasslands, wetlands (Ganga- Brahmaputra Basin).

5.3. Rich Biodiversity

5.3.1. Jaguars, Elephants, Crocodiles, Monkeys, Tigers,etc.

6. Human Settlements & Lifestyle

6.1. Indigenous Tribes

6.1.1. Amazon tribes, Pygmies, etc.

6.2. Modern Settlements

6.2.1. Cities like Kolkata, Dhaka,Manaus.

6.3. Houses built on stilts (flood- prone areas)