My Biases
by Shantia Grier

1. Religious Bias
1.1. Familial Teachings
1.1.1. Closed minded to other religious groups.
1.2. Media Exposure
1.2.1. Avoidance.
1.3. Societal Influence
1.3.1. Judgement of other religious groups.
1.4. Impact
1.4.1. Irritation towards beliefs other than my own.
2. Gender Bias
2.1. Familial Teachings
2.1.1. Gender roles in the household
2.2. Media Exposure
2.2.1. Projection of strength of different genders
2.3. Societal Influence
2.3.1. Feeling of superiority
2.4. Impact
2.4.1. Attitudes towards opposit gender
3. Racial Bias
3.1. Familial Teachings
3.1.1. Mistreatment from other races.
3.2. Media Exposure
3.2.1. Portrayal of certain types of people
3.3. Societal Influence
3.3.1. Stereotypes, Inequality
3.4. Impact
3.4.1. Attitude, Fear, Aggression