1. Mentorship
1.1. 6 weeks
1.2. Extract of 20+ years of experience
1.3. Working out the main areas of a makeup artist: portfolio, promotion, social media management, client level and cost of work
1.4. Offline meetings if in New York
1.5. Individual plan and tasks
1.6. Tracking by targets
1.7. 24/7 chat support
1.8. Contacts of all my verified specialists
2. Introduction
2.1. Time 1 hours
2.2. Маршрут
2.2.3. RESULT
2.3. Решение
2.3.1. I'll tell you about the solution
2.3.2. Cost and details of the mentorship
2.3.3. With me or on your own
2.4. About me
3. Structure
3.1. 1 part
3.1.1. Why did you come to Check-Up?
3.1.2. What do you want to get from me?
3.1.3. why did you decide to contact me specifically?
3.1.4. Why is this important right now?
3.1.5. What would be the best outcome of this particular meeting?
3.2. Point A / current situation
3.2.1. How many clients
3.2.2. Average price
3.2.3. Client Sources
3.2.4. Experience
3.3. Point B
3.3.1. What would you like to achieve? How many kleints Level of clients/events? Income What would you do when you achieved this? Why do you need these results?
3.3.2. What's stopping you from reaching point B?
3.3.3. How did you try to get to point B yourself?
3.3.4. Summury
3.4. Step-by-step plan
3.4.1. Шаг
3.4.2. Шаг
3.4.3. Шаг