Native Poets (Marcus Ochla)

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Native Poets (Marcus Ochla) by Mind Map: Native Poets (Marcus Ochla)

1. Diane Burns

1.1. “Sure You Can Ask Me a Personal Question”

2. Wendy Rose

2.1. “For the White Poets who would be Indian”

3. Chrystos

3.1. “Today Was a Day Like TB”

4. Nora Dauenhauer

4.1. "Salmon Egg Puller"

5. Joy Harjo

5.1. "I Give You Back"

6. Sherman Alexie

6.1. " How to Write the Great American Indian Novel"

7. Second wave NAR

8. First+Second wave NAR

9. Linda Hogan

9.1. "Landing"

10. Native Identity

11. Louise Erdrich

11.1. “Jacklight”

12. Eric Gansworth

12.1. "It Goes Something Like This"

12.2. "Repatriating Ourselves"

12.3. "Speaking Through Our Nation's Teeth"

12.4. "Loving That Land O Lakes"

12.5. "A Half-Life of Cardio-Pulmonary Function"

13. First wave NAR

14. accusatory to white people

15. bullet points

16. circle dance

17. family

18. gender

19. generalization

20. generations

21. materialization of Native American's history

22. native words

23. native history is being told through white people's lenses

24. mythological figures (eagle, raven, cayote, salmon, gods)

25. nature

26. omission of Native Americans

27. mental health

28. getting questioned

29. dehumanization of Native Americans

30. culture appropriation

31. critique of religion

32. critique of historiography

33. critique of colonization

34. contextual (civilized/uncivilized;organized/unorganized)

35. abecedarian

36. N.Scott Momaday

36.1. “The Delight Song of Tsoai-Talee”

37. Simon Ortiz

37.1. “My Father’s Song”

38. Karenne Wood

38.1. “The Poet I Wish I Was”

38.2. "Amoroleck’s Words”

38.3. “Arrival: Roanoke Island, 1585”

38.4. “Abracadabra, an Abecedarian”

38.5. “My Standard Response”

39. Tommy Pico

39.1. i can’t write a nature poem;

39.2. this white guy asks do I feel more connected to nature;

39.3. i don’t like thinking abt nature bc nature makes me suspect there is a god;

39.4. i can’t write a nature poem bc that conversation happens in the Hall of;

39.5. you can’t be an NDN person in today’s world

40. smokii sumac

40.1. "at 29 i lie naked on the beach and think of you"

40.2. "Grief"

40.3. "in my dreams"

40.4. "poem after reading an article on high functioning c-ptsd"

41. Billy-Ray Belcourt

41.1. "Canadian Horror Story"

41.2. "The Cree Word for a Body Like Mine is Weesageechak"

41.3. "Leonardo DiCaprio"

41.4. "Sacred"

42. Annie Wenstrup

42.1. "“Ggugguyni Transcribes the Archive as Diviner”

42.2. “Ggugguyni Transcribes the Archive as Land”

42.3. “Ggugguyni Transcribes the Archive as Memory”

42.4. “Sukdu’a”

43. Vivian Prescott

43.1. "Patterns in Spring Stikine River Kings"

43.2. "Species Report"

43.3. "This Early Migration"

44. Gwen Westerman

44.1. “Linear Process”

44.2. “Theory Doesn’t Live Here”

44.3. “Dakota Homecoming”

44.4. “Undivided Interest”

44.5. “Genetic Code”

45. Natalie Diaz

45.1. "Abecedarian Requiring Further Examination of Anglikan Seraphym Subjugation of a Wild Indian Rezervation"

45.2. "American Arithmetic"

45.3. "Top Ten Reasons Why Indians Are Good at Basketball"

45.4. "The Last Mojave Indian Barbie"

45.5. "The Facts of Art"

46. stereotypes

47. stereotypes in texts of culture

48. stereotypical image of native beauty

49. two-spirited

50. use of NDN

51. reimagining history

52. white people's culture is the predominant

53. white people's ignorance

54. song's importance

55. half-breed

56. use of irony

57. unconventional structure

58. the murder of native people

59. sea creatures

60. romanticisation of native americans

61. queer

62. oral history