1. Communication Plan 1: Implement A Phonics-Based Curriculum for District-Wide Improvements in Student Reading and Writing Outcomes to School Stakeholders
1.1. After local superintendent and principals meet to exchange ideas on implementing a new phonics-based reading curriculum across schools; data and research is presented to support the change; a plan is prepared to look at different phonics programs; a phonics program is selected and a plan is prepared to present the curriculum change...
1.1.1. Principals present data and reasoning in support of a change to a phonics-based program for reading and writing instruction to teachers, special education faculty, reading specialist, and related support staff and to answer any questions
2. Feeder Schools Inclusion Plan
2.1. Principals, grade level teachers, reading specialists, and special education teachers convene at a selected school to review the phonics program, receive professional development training information and schedules, and are provided the opportunity to ask additional questions
2.1.1. Principal, grade level teacher, school reading specialist, and related paraprofessionals convene at individual schools in a follow up meeting to discuss and prepare a vertical map for implementation of new curriculum and ways to address accountability for instructional implementation across schools
3. Data & Stakeholders
3.1. Data to include grade level formative reading and writing assessment samples (i.e. running records, writing prompts, writing journals, exit tickets), DIBELS, iReady, STAR Early Literacy tests, anecdotal records and peer/principal observations and will be used to monitor progress over time and shared in grade level and combined grade level meetings in a manner determined by principal and grade-level leaders
3.1.1. Key data will be assembed to present in feeder school follow up meetings to monitor the success of the program and where changes are needed Success and changes will be presented back at individual schools to implement and for continued monitoring
4. Professional Development
4.1. Initial Professional Development: In-person introduction for how to use the program to be received at individual schools
4.1.1. On-Going Professional Development: Easily accessible online modules and/or live presentations from curiculum developer; direct on-line support access to the curriculum experts/developers; monthly peer observations and follow-up; principal observations and follow-up
5. Communication Plan 2: Family Inclusion
5.1. Invitation to families for district-wide presentation on improving student reading and writing with a new phonics-based curriculum in K-2 shools, providing details for what this will look like and how families can be involved
5.2. Invitation to families for individual school presentation on how the new phonics-based curriculum is designed to improve student reading and writing and how it will look in the classroom
5.3. Follow up with simply designed literature (accommodating for different language needs in the school community) for phonics-based resources to include the technology connected to the school district or school's library and additional resources
5.4. Plan for additional phonics-based activities to be incorporated in school-based Reading Nights with additional hands-on phonics-based teaching activities for parents to participate in to help their child
6. Collaboration Plan: Feeder Schools
6.1. Quarterly follow-up meetings will be held to include principal, designated grade-level teacher(s) reading specialist, and special education teacher from each school to evaluate data and other anecdotal evidence for success and suggestions for improvement
7. Budget 1 Option: All General & Special Ed Teachers, Reading Specialists (102 total) or Budge 2 Option: Key General & Special Ed Teachers, Reading Specists
7.1. A budget is calculated for implementation across K-2 schools
7.1.1. Initial professional development to learn the program
7.1.2. Teacher, specialist, and any special education material costs Community presentation cost: Initial literature and any Reading Night Materials
7.1.3. Technical access resource cost
7.1.4. Once yearly refresher professional development costs - end of first year and/or prior to next school year