Mapping the Way to Code: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Visual Tools in K-12 Online Coding Ed...

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Mapping the Way to Code: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Visual Tools in K-12 Online Coding Education by Mind Map: Mapping the Way to Code: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Visual Tools in K-12 Online Coding Education

1. Literature Study

1.1. Visual Methods and Mind Maps

1.2. K12 Online Education Worldwide

1.3. Learning Challenges

1.4. Existing Research

2. Gaps I Saw

2.1. Lack of research and implementation of mind mapping in coding education for logical thinking.

2.2. Heavy reliance on text-based teaching methods in online K-12 coding education.

2.3. Challenges in translating coding concepts (loops, conditionals, algorithms) into visual representations for younger learners.

2.4. Absence of standardized visual tools for teaching coding in K-12

3. Research Questions

3.1. How has the use of mind mapping influenced my teaching of coding to K-12 learners in online environments?

3.2. How my experiences might inform other educators who are looking to implement visual tools in their teaching?

4. Methods and Materials

4.1. Autoethnographic Approach

4.1.1. Personal experiences and reflective practice in teaching coding

4.2. Mind Mapping Tools

4.2.1. MiroBoard

4.2.2. Whimsical

4.2.3. Canva (for concept charts)

4.2.4. Mindmeister

4.3. Age Group of Learners

4.3.1. K12

4.3.2. 8 years to 15 years

4.4. Class Structure

4.4.1. 1:1 personalized sessions

4.4.2. online coding classes

4.4.3. project based learning approaches

4.5. Data Collection

4.5.1. Journals

4.5.2. Notes

4.5.3. Observations

4.5.4. Feedback from students and parents

5. Results

5.1. Better coding logic understanding

5.2. More interactive lessons

5.3. Positive student feedback

5.4. Scaffolding needed for young

6. Challenges

6.1. Technical Issues

6.2. Young Learners

6.3. Time Constraints

6.4. Adaptation Gaps