World Heritage Sites

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World Heritage Sites by Mind Map: World Heritage Sites

1. UNESCO's Role

1.1. Identifies and recognizes sites.

1.2. Provides funding and technical support.

1.3. Promotes international cooperation.

2. Threats to Sites

2.1. Pollution

2.2. climate change

2.3. over-tourism

3. Conservation Strategies

3.1. Restoration projects

3.2. Environmental management

3.3. Community involvement.

4. Global Significance

4.1. Cultural Diversity

4.2. Biodiversity and Ecological Importance

4.3. Historical Legacy

5. Tourism and Economy

5.1. Economic Benefits

5.2. Sustainable Tourism

5.3. Cultural Exchange

6. Impact on Local Communities

6.1. Indigenous and Local Populations

6.2. Social and Cultural Development

6.3. Challenges and Conflicts

7. Cultural Sites

7.1. Taj Mahal, India

7.2. Great Wall of China, China

7.3. Pyramids of Giza (Egypt)

8. Natural Sites

8.1. Mount Everest, Nepal/China

8.2. Grand Canyon, USA

8.3. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

9. Mixed Sites

9.1. Machu Picchu (Peru)

9.2. Mount Athos (Greece)

9.3. Great Barrier Reef (Australia)

10. Criteria for Selection

10.1. Universal value to humanity.

10.2. Integrity and authenticity.

10.3. Preservation and management systems.

11. Importance

11.1. Cultural Preservation

11.2. Environmental Conservation

11.3. Tourism Development

11.4. Education and Awareness

12. Threats and Challenges

12.1. Urbanization and industrialization.

12.2. Climate change and natural disasters.

12.3. Lack of funds for maintenance.