Waterfall Model

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Waterfall Model by Mind Map: Waterfall Model

1. Limited user involvement

1.1. Only during the analysis and testing stages

2. Suitable for large projects with well-defined requirements

3. Advantages

3.1. Clear structure and deliverables

3.2. Easy to manage, good for inexperienced teams

3.3. Works well for projects where requirements won't change

4. Structure

4.1. Each stage must be completed before moving to the next

4.2. Sequential stages

4.2.1. Analysis System specification

4.2.2. Design Design document

4.2.3. Implementation Source code

4.2.4. Testing Test plan

4.2.5. Maintenance

5. Disadvantages

5.1. Inflexible; changes are costly

5.2. Testing stage occurs late which increases risks and costs

5.3. Working software is only available at the end

5.4. Limited user involvement increases risk of unmet needs