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Development by Mind Map: Development

1. M.E.D.C

1.1. Compared the lifes of LEDC's and MEDC's

1.2. Most of Europe, Korea, Japan, North America

1.3. More economically developed country

1.4. More education opportunities

1.5. High in the MEDC, 15% people of the world, uses 88% of the resources

1.6. Middle class, 30% of the world uses 10% of the world's resources

2. NIC

2.1. India, Mexio, China, Phillipines,

2.2. Newly industrialised country

3. L.E.D.C

3.1. Most of Africa, Bhutan, Afganistan,

3.2. Less Economically Developed country

3.3. Poverty

3.4. Less education opportunities, especially for girls

3.5. 55% of the world, uses 2% of the world's resources

4. Human Declaration of Human Rights

4.1. Equal rights to education