Gender & Technology: Only 25% of computing jobs are filled by women

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Gender & Technology: Only 25% of computing jobs are filled by women by Mind Map: Gender & Technology: Only 25% of computing jobs are filled by women

1. 1. Girls not considering Tech Careers:

1.1. Only 14% of computer science grads are women.

1.1.1. Lack of awareness of what tech jobs entail

1.1.2. Perception that tech jobs are in decline (dot com bust + offshoring)

1.1.3. Perception of tech jobs as nerdy/geeky

2. 2. Women Leaving Tech Careers

2.1. 56% of women leave tech at mid-point of their careers

2.1.1. Lack of mentors

2.1.2. Work/life balance

2.1.3. Unconscious bias/stereotyping

3. 3. Why does it Matter?

3.1. Women are largest economic force in the world

3.1.1. Business benefits from their perspective

3.2. Diverse teams bring more innovation and problem-solving

3.3. Technology is where large % of the new jobs are being created

3.3.1. At current graduation rates, only 30 percent of the jobs created by 2020 can be filled with U.S. computing graduates

3.4. women may be better than men when it comes to leading a technology start-up

4. 4. What can we do?

4.1. Make STEM education more engaging

4.1.1. Use Multimedia and interactive games to engage kids in science & technology.

4.1.2. hands-on education (not just theory)

4.1.3. Educational field trips

4.2. Teach growth mindset (intelligence is not fixed)

4.3. encourage girls to build things and increase their spatial skills

4.4. provide mentors to girls