
What counts as 'content'?

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Content by Mind Map: Content

1. A photograph

2. A sound clip / music clip

3. A blog post

3.1. Announcement

3.2. News or information

4. A review

5. An endorsement, e.g FB 'like'

6. Gather information (Crowdsourcing)

6.1. Canvas opinion

6.2. Gain feedback

6.3. Gather examples

7. Recycle content a.k.a. Content curation

7.1. Champion a cause

7.2. Give an opinion / react

7.3. Develop an argument

7.4. Heighten a profile

7.5. Draw comparisons

7.6. Educate

7.7. Paint your personality

7.8. Evidence your work

8. Video

9. A comment about exisiting content

10. A status update

11. A tweet / retweet

12. Reply to a comment