My Experiences in Italy

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My Experiences in Italy by Mind Map: My Experiences in Italy

1. Visual

1.1. Overload

1.2. Beautiful

1.3. Masterpieces

1.3.1. Michaelangelo

1.3.2. Davinci

1.3.3. Statue of David

1.4. Piazzas

1.5. Fountains

2. Sounds

2.1. Different Languages

2.2. Traffic noise

2.2.1. Scooters

2.3. Church bells ringing

2.4. Children laughing

3. Smells

3.1. Arno River

3.2. Open air bistros

3.2.1. Food

3.3. Perfume

3.3.1. flowers and trees

4. Taste

4.1. Gelato!

4.2. Fresh

4.3. Pasta

4.4. Wine

4.5. Espresso

4.6. Stuffed zucchini blossoms

5. Touch

5.1. History

5.2. Cobblestones

5.3. New node