Computer Science

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Computer Science by Mind Map: Computer Science

1. Brainstorming

1.1. How often do you work in a group setting?

1.2. How do you deal when you get stuck?

1.3. Is what you are working on individualized or shared with the group?

2. Clientele

2.1. How much contact do you have with your consumers?

2.2. Who are you usually working for: companies or individuals?

3. Fields

3.1. What are the different areas of computer science to go into?

3.2. Have you ever had to do work in a area you aren't used to?

3.3. What do you specialize in?

4. Work

4.1. How many employers have you had?

4.2. Are the companies you have worked based in a different country?

4.3. Do you have any notable examples of your work?